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Nahi Anil Munkar

Q. Some Ulama say that Nahi anil munkar [condemning evil] is not necessary because:

a. In Mishkaat the author brought a chapter and named it “Amr Bil Ma’roof”. He never mentioned Nahi Anil Munkar.

b. By doing Amr bil ma’roof, automatically Nahi anil munkar comes into existence. Example: by encouraging a person to perform Salaah, then when he performs Salaah, he leaves his TV. So, by saying to someone to read Salaah, automatically you are preventing the person from sin.

c. Nahi anil munkar is hidden in Amr bil ma’roof.

d. On the Day of Qiyaamah, if a person only did Amr bil ma’roof then he will not be questioned or taken to task for not doing Nahi anil munkar.

e. Amr bil ma’roof and Nahi anil munkar are one and the same thing. These are not separate institutions.

A. The Qur’aan-e-Kareem emphatically declares this Ummah to be the Best of nations for mankind in view of, amongst other reasons, Nahi anil munkar. Minus Nahi anil munkar this Ummah is stripped of the title, Khairu Ummah.

The exhortations of the Shariah establishing the institution of Nahi anil munkar are so vast and unequivocal that it takes sheer audacity, or lunacy, to deny the incumbency of explicitly condemning vice and evil (Nahi anil munkar).

For the edification of those who are in denial of this fundamental institution of Islam, we present the following Hadeeth:
Rasoolullah (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “Whoever amongst you sees an evil (being committed) he should forcibly stop it. If he is unable (to forcibly stop it) then with his tongue (that is, he should speak out against it). And if he is unable (to even make Nahi anil munkar with his tongue) then with his heart (he should detest it). And this (the latter) is the weakest form of Imaan.” (Muslim)

This Hadeeth is ample and salutary to those who shy away from Nahi anil munkar for fear of losing the smiles of friends. And, it appears in the same chapter which the detractors of condemning evil seek to score points from. Their understanding of the kutub is lamentable!

Where only the words “Amr bil Ma’roof” are mentioned Nahi anil munkar is not negated. It is only an abridged way of saying Amr bil Ma’roof and Nahi anil Munkar.

If a person is gambling, for instance, and the person with the convoluted idea of the concept of Amr bil ma’roof tells the gambler to read Salaat, he will not be exonerated from Nahi anil munkar. Assuming the gambler offers his Salaat and resumes his gambling then what? Obviously he will have to be told unequivocally that gambling is haraam, rijs (filth) and an act of Satanism. Therefore, stop gambling. The Qur’aan emphatically makes Nahi of this munkar. Thus, the Aamir (commander) of ma’roof only, will not be acquitted of Nahi anil munkar unless he expressly speaks out against vice and evil.

In short, the arguments tendered to revoke the institution of Nahi anil munkar are plain drivel.