Reading Time: 2 minutes


Question: I have several children. I wish to sell my shop to my one son who has been much more helpful and diligent. My other children feel offended. Am I being unjust?

Answer: No, you are not being unjust. In the Shariah, you are free to sell your business for whatsoever price you want to and to whomsoever you want to. As long as you are within the confines of the Shariah, ignore the displeasure of the others which in reality is a displeasure against Allah’s Command.

Question: What is the ruling concerning the serving of food after forty days of a person’s demise. Please also inform me with regards to teeja and ghyarwa functions. Someone says that such issues should not be raised as it destroys unity.

Answer: These are functions which have no basis in Islam. There was no forty days etc. function for Nabi Sallallahu alayhi wasallam, any of the Sahaabah or any of the Imaams. Do we understand Islam better than them?  Unity and Bid’ah don’t go hand in hand. In Hadith mention has been made that the Arsh of Allah shakes when a bid’ati is honoured. When Allah is so angry, how are the hearts going to be united.

Question: I have several children. I wish to sell my shop to my one son who has been much more helpful and diligent. My other children feel offended. Am I being unjust?

Answer: No, you are not being unjust. In the Shariah, you are free to sell your business for whatsoever price you want to and to whomsoever you want to. As long as you are within the confines of the Shariah, ignore the displeasure of the others which in reality is a displeasure against Allah’s Command.

Q: What is the ruling concerning someone who totally denies Sihr?

Answer: The Holy Qur’aan makes explicit mention of the reality of Sihr. “And they used to teach people (the art of) “Sihr” (witchcraft).

A person who denies Sihr, denies an Aayat of the Holy Qur’aan. You can come to your own conclusion if denial of the Holy Qur’aan necessitates renewal of Imaan. Moulana Thanvi Rahmatullahi alayh said that Ulama don’t make people Kaafirs, they merely inform them that they have lost their Imaan. No one makes a murderer. A person is labeled as  a murderer due to his actions. Similarly a person is labeled as a Kaafir due to his statements and actions.

Q: I would like to know are we allowed to keep dogs as pets?

A: Muslims are not allowed to keep dogs as pets. Dogs may be kept as security, if there is no other means practical or available, but they should not be brought into the home.