Disputing the Prohibition of Music and the Guitar

Reading Time: 5 minutes


Q. I need some assistance please. There is a Hadith that has been certified to be weak in the attached article:
‘From among my followers there will be some people who will consider illegal-sexual intercourse, the wearing of silk (clothes), the drinking of alcoholic drinks and the use of musical instruments, as lawful.’

Although this Hadith is in Sahih Al-Bukhari, its chain of transmission is not connected to Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) and this invalidates its authenticity. Ibn Hazm rejects it for that very reason. Moreover, the sub-narrator, Hisham Ibn `Ammar, is declared ‘weak’ by many scholars of the Science of Hadith Methodology.

Besides, this Hadith does not clearly prohibit the use of musical instruments, for the phrase ‘consider as lawful,’ according to Ibn Al-`Arabi, has two distinct meanings: First: Such people think all these (the things mentioned) are lawful. Second: They exceed the proper limits that should be observed in using these instruments. If the first meaning is intended, such people would be thus disbelievers.

I need your opinion on this please? The main reason behind this article is that I am arguing with a family member whether or not a guitar is allowed in our home.

A. The prohibition of music is a fourteen century Ijma’ ruling of this Ummah. Legalizing music is tantamount to legalizing zina, legalizing alcohol and legalizing silk for males. Bringing musical instruments into the home is akin to making one’s home a brothel and den for prostitutes as the Hadeeth Shareef connects these terrible vices. Your family member’s desire to turn your home to a rave and disco club is the stepping stone to worse evils. The very evils the Hadeeth prophesies will be enacted step-by-step with the introduction of the guitar to the home. Singing and dancing girls go hand-in-glove followed by the drinking of wine and ultimately in the shameless act of zina. For such misfortunate people, awaits the supreme disgrace and chastisement in this dunya of their transformation into apes and swine as the Hadeeth of Rasoolullah (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) declares.

You should understand that your family member has fallen prey to his bestial nafs and he is being led by Shaitaan to pave the way for Dajjaal-e-Akbar whose toys of deception will be music, singing, prostitutes and liquor. Hidaayat lies solely in the Hands of Allah Ta’ala. You should, firstly, supplicate to Allah Ta’ala to extricate your family member from the web of deception Shaitaan has spun around him and, secondly, offer him naseehat to desist from peddling the wares of Satan. Be firm in the face of Shaitaan’s encroachment in your home. We, too, make Du’aa unto Allah Ta’ala to save us all from the evil lurking in our nafs which has unfortunately trapped many of our brethren in a cauldron of haraam, fisq and fujoor. O Allah! Save the Ummah of Your Habeeb, Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) from the pitiable condition it is floundering in.

All the “arguments” tendered to scuttle the 14 Century Prohibition of music are flimsy attempts to soothe the carnal nafs and please Iblees. By what stretch of Islamic Logic can music and musical instruments ever be legalized when Rasoolullah (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) emphatically stated that he had been sent to destroy and obliterate musical instruments! The Ahadeeth prohibiting the abomination of singing, music and musical instruments are so vast that it is only one who is in an advanced stage of spiritual ruin who will even entertain the notion of the tools of Shaitaan to be permissible.

All the arguments tendered by the legions of Iblees in favour of music have been thoroughly debunked in the Mujlisul Ulama’s two laudable works on the subject. The titles of the two books are:

  • Music,  Musical Instruments and Singing
  • Sautush Shaitaan (The Voice of Shaitaan)

These books are available from assaadiqeen@gmail.com.

We will now briefly respond to the drivel of the slaves of lust in their inordinate desire to listen to the Devil’s Gizmo, viz. music.

1. The argument that the Hadeeth of Bukhari is weak due to its chain of transmission not being connected must be dismissed with contempt. It is an established principle of Hadeeth that even the Munqati’ Ahadeeth (Ahadeeth whose chains are not fully cited) of Bukhari Shareef are reliable and accepted as valid basis. The objector should do a refresher course in the Science of Hadeeth so that he does not make a fool out of himself with his ludicrous remarks which even an average student of the Madaaris will laugh at.

Secondly, there is no missing link in the chain. Hishaam Bin Ammaar is a reputed Ustaad of Imaam Bukhari. Imaam Bukhari has narrated other Ahadeeth in his Saheeh as well from Hishaam Bin Ammaar.

Thirdly, this Hadeeth is narrated not only by Imaam Bukhari, but by other Muhadditheen as well with flawless chains. The Hadeeth appears in Ibn Maajah, Abu Dawood Tayaalisi and Baihaqi, to mention a few names, and some of them report from Hishaam Bin Ammaar with unbroken chains.

2. Ibn Hazam’s view – like so many of his obscure and erroneous views – has to be set aside. Ibn Hazm was not an authority of the Shariah on par to the likes of the illustrious Aimmah Mujtahideen and early Muhadditheen. He was not even aware of who Imam Tirmithi was!!! This speaks volumes of Ibn Hazm’s flaws. His criticism of Imaam Bukhari’s Hadeeth is therefore rejected.

The baseless view of Ibn Hazm has been refuted thoroughly by the Ulama. Ibn Hazm accepts that when a righteous reporter narrates from a person who lived during the same time and age, the narration will be taken as a first-hand account and a direct report. Thus, on the basis of Ibn Hazm’s own declaration and principle the narration cited of Imaam Bukhari is a valid basis for the prohibition of music.

3. If “many” scholars declare Hishaam Bin Ammaar to be weak the illustrious Imaam Bukhari accepts him to be reliable. That an Imaam and Ameerul Mu-mineen Fil Hadeeth accepts his (Hishaam’s) report is sufficient testimonial for the reliability of Hishaam Bin Ammaar.

But the fact of the matter is that the claim of “many” Muhadditheen declaring Hishaam bin Ammaar to be weak is a downright lie. Quite the opposite is the truth. His credibility has been affirmed by senior and outstanding Imaams in the Science of Hadeeth Criticism.

Furthermore, innumerable Muhadditheen and Ulama of this Ummah have upheld this report and have accepted Imaam Bukhari’s riwaayat from Hishaam. Thus, the Hadeeth of Hishaam on the curse of music and its legalization being a sign of Qiyaamah is upheld by the Ummah, regardless of what other Muhadditheen may have remarked in regard to Hishaam.

4. Assuming that this Hadeeth does not “clearly” prohibit music and singing, what about the many Ahadeeth which do, and which the votaries of satanic music are deafeningly silent about?

What has been erroneously proffered in regard to the purport of the Hadeeth is the bunkum of Qardhawi who wishes to see women in droves in the Masaajid and whom Sheikh Uthaimeen said had to renew his Imaan for the profanity he uttered on the Mimbar in regard to the election of the enemy of Allah, Netanyahu.

Qardhawi failed to comprehend what Ibn Arabi said. The translation of Ibn Arabi’s statement, too, is flawed. A correct translation of Shaikh Ibn Arabi’s words is: “It is possible that the meaning [of the Hadeeth] is that they will believe in that [i.e. those vices] to be halaal; and it is possible that it symbolizes unfettered indulgence, like unfettered indulgence in halaal.”

Thus, what Shaikh Ibn Arabi says is that the Hadeeth prophesies that there will be people of this Ummah who will take these haraam deeds to be halaal, or they will openly indulge in these vices just as people indulge in halaal and permissible acts. The clear purport of Ibn Arabi’s explanation confirms that the acts mentioned in the Hadeeth – zina, wearing silk, consuming liquor and musical instruments – are all haraam and equal in sin and abomination.

We will suffice with these few lines. May Allah Ta’ala grant you fahm (understanding) and baseerat (insight). May He save us from the multitude of junior-Dajjaals preparing the ground for the appearance of the Big Dajjaal, Aameen.