Question. They say that due to the virus, we should not lift our hands when making dua, and that it is more harmful to draw the hands over the face on termination of the Dua. What should we do?
Answer. If you are a Mu’min, that is a Muslim of sound Imaan – Imaan not adulterated with Nifaaq – then you will know what to do. View the shaitaaniyat with scorn and disgust. When the hands are raised unto Allah Ta’ala, His Rahmat descends and the effect of Acceptance (Qubooliyat) – His Rahmat – cascades into the opened palms. This Rahmat is rubbed on to our faces when we end the Dua. It is kufr – hardened kufr – to abandon any act of Islam on the advice of atheists. It is kufr which eliminates Imaan and cancels the Nikah. To understand simple issues of this nature, there is no need for fatwas, no need for lengthy technical arguments with pages of Arabic texts, and no need for even brains. The need is only sound and pure Imaan. Then the truth will be understood in the fatwa emanating from the Imaani heart, hence Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said: “Seek a fatwa from your heart.”
Question. A man committed adultery with his wife’s sister. Is his Nikah still valid?
Answer. Although he is guilty of a heinous sin, his Nikah remains valid.
Question: At what age should children be dressed Islamically?
Answer: Moulana Maseehullah Rahmatullahi alayh once rebuked a mother for dressing her four year old daughter with a half sleeve dress. The Akhlaaq of a child is moulded in large part by what they wear.
Question: My husband and I have been separated, divorce has taken place and we have a small child. My husband demands custody of the child and says he will take legal action.
Answer: The only action he can take is Shari’ action. In this instance he has no right to take away the child. The mother will have custody of the child. However the father will have to pay for all the expenses borne for bringing up the child. If the mother does not want the child then the father will have to take the child; he has no option.
Question. What is the punishment for a woman who doesn’t complete her iddat period and remarries?
Answer:If the woman in question has remarried her ex-husband who had issued her with one or two talaaqs, then this nikaah is valid even during her iddat. If she contracts with another man however, then this ‘nikaah’ is not valid in her iddat. The couple will be living in a state of haraam and zina. The punishment for zina is the Fire of Jahannam.