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The summary of the Shar’i prohibitions o n this issue are: Reflection and experience testify that
there are two primary reasons for organizing these functions (Jalsahs): (1) Fund-raising (2)
Advertising the dignity and status of the Madrasah. The motivation for this is hubb-e-jah (love for
fame) and hubb-e-maal (love for wealth). Numerous Nusoos (Qur’aanic verses and Hadith
narrations) forbid this. If the fame and wealth are intended for the Deen, there is then no
objection. However, the question is: Is the motive the Deen or the dunya?
Although interpretation will be presented (by the Madrasah authorities) claiming that these
jalsahs are held for the sake of the Deen, it should be understood that Allah Ta’ala has ind
icated a standard for every motive. o n the basis of this standard can the correctness or
corruption of the motive be ascertained. An examination of these jalsahs shows that o n these
occasions worldly desire is dominant. If truly the motive is the Deen, anything in conflict with
Allah’s Pleasure would not be countenanced and adopted. When we see that acts which are in
conflict with Divine Pleassure prevail at these functions, then it is clear testimony for the
conclusion that the motive is the dunya (not the Deen).

Some of these acts are as follows:
(1) Exaggerating the status and condition of the Madrasah both overtly and covertly. This is kithb (falsehood) and khidaa‘ (deception).

(2) In order to increase the student population unqualified (unfit) students are portrayed as qualified (fit).

(3) Advertsising the accomplishments (of the Madrasah); self-praise; giving preference to o ne’s activities; lauding o ne’s own activities;
displaying that students have attained expertise in the branches of Shar’i knowledge regardless of them having such ability or not. All these are signs of hubb-e-jah andhubb-e-maal.

(4) Riya (show) is haraam. Invariably, o n such occasions donors contribute with riya. Becoming a way for riya is sinful.

(5) Even if a valid objection or criticism of the Madrasah is made, it is refuted. It will never be accepted. o n the contrary, the objector is pursued acrimoniously and the objection is
rebutted inspite of the heart understanding its validity.

(6) If another Madrasah is established (in the proximity), it is viewed with suspicion and enmity even if the new Madrasah’s state is good.
The wish is for its failure and closure. In reality, the opening of a new Madrasah should be an occasion of happiness because of the multiplication of Deeni activities. However, the existing
Madrasah authorities view the new institution with disdain and enmity merely because they feel that the prominence of their institution will wane.

(7) In most cases there is extravagance and waste at these jalsahs. Large amounts of money are wasted for bringing people and their retinue to the jalsah. Those whose presence is unnecessary are invited. At times the Madrasah
funds the entertainment bill for the food, etc.

(8) Noise, rowdyism, worldly conversations,evil poetry and other evils also accompany these gatherings.

(9) The the rules of the Shariah are not observed when funds are being raised. Indirect pressure is exercised to put prospective donors
to shame thus constraining them to contribute.”

Malfoozaat on Ilm, Ulama, Madaaris – Hazrat Maulana Thanvi رحمه