Sacrilege of the Aayaat of Allah and the Ahadeeth of Rasoolullah
(Sallallahu alaihi wasallam)
Q. The local newspapers namely, Rising Sun, Lenasia Times, etc. many times contain extracts of the Qur’aan or Ahadeeth. Also the glorified name of Allah is mentioned in these papers. How can one adequately dispose of them?
A. Write a letter of protest at the sacrilege of the Holy Aayaat and Name of Allah Ta’ala appearing in these papers. Concerned Muslims should attempt to persuade the guilty parties to refrain from submitting Holy Aayaat of the Qur’aan Shareef and Ahadeeth to these tabloids which end up in the vilest of places. We have a case here of Muslims themselves committing atrocities to the Sacred Qur’aan and Holy Name of Allah.
If you are in possession of such papers with Holy Inscriptions then dig a hole and bury the papers. Thereafter close the hole. This should be done at a place which is not trampled upon.