The Sunnah and Bid’ah

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Hadhrat Abu Uthmaan Al-Khairi (rahmatullah alayh) said: “When a person makes the Sunnah his Haakim (Ruler), Hikmah (wisdom) emanates from him. When he makes the nafs his haakim, bid’ah emanates from him.”

Hikmah in this context refers to such wisdom which Allah Ta’ala inspires into the heart of the Mu’min, and Sunnah here means the entire Shariah of Islam, not only to the issues pertaining to Fiqah. Complete subservience to the Shariah generates Hikmah in the Mu’min’s heart.

This inspirational wisdom should not be confused with dubious nafsaani diplomacy designed to conceal the Haqq – a trait which has become a salient feature of the Ulama of this era. Concealment of the Haqq and silence in the face of baatil are nowadays described as ‘hikmah’ when in reality such nafsaani ‘hikmah’ is bid’ah.

When the Muslim is ruled by his nafs, his actions become bid’ah. He innovates practices which shaitaan adorns for him with the colours of the Deen. Every act innovated in conflict with the Sunnah or which effects a change in the Sunnah is bid’ah which is among the worst sins. Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said: “Verily, Allah deprives every man of bid’ah from Taubah.”

Since bid’ah is committed with the understanding that it is a Deeni act – an act of ibaadat, the bid’ati (the person of bid’ah) does not gain the taufeeq to make taubah (to repent). Every act innovated with a Deeni hue is mardood (accursed and rejected).

Bid’ah is among the most effective snares of shaitaan.

Source: Awake