Reading Time: 2 minutes


Hadhrat Shaikh Shibli (rahmatullah alayh) was perpetually absorbed by the Love of Allah
Ta’ala. Whenever he saw the Name of Allah written, he would rub it on his eyes, kiss and
admire it. Honouring the Name of Allah Ta’ala had become an overwhelmingly intensive
passion in him. Once while he was engaged in this manner with the Name of Allah Azza Wa Jal,
he heard a Voice exclaiming: “O Shibli! How long will you continue being absorbed with the
love of The Name? When will you love the Divine Zaat (The Being of Allah)?”
On hearing this pronouncement, he became enraptured with ecstasy. He cast himself into the
raging waves of the River Dajlah (Tigris River). Allah Ta’ala commanded the waves to deliver
him safely to the shore. He then wandered about enwrapped in the Mantle of Divine Love until
he came to a blazing furnace wherein he cast himself. The fire did not burn a single hair on his
body. He emerged from the fire and wandered in a jungle where the wild beasts of prey dwelled.
But the wild animals made no attempt to devour him.
Lamenting he proclaimed while wandering in the jungle: “Woe to the one whom the waters
did not drown, neither the fire consumed nor the wild beasts!” In response, he heard the Divine
Voice exclaiming: “Nothing in creation can kill the Beloved of Allah, who will be killed by only


A Buzrug, set off on a journey with the intention of meeting the Ahlullah (pious servants of
Allah Ta’ala) of Iraq. Along the journey, at one stage he was extremely tired. Just before
entering a city, he came to a dilapidated house. He went inside and fell asleep. While sleeping he
heard in a dream someone saying: “Under the wall near to you is buried a sum of money. The
money is not owned by anyone. Remove it and use it for yourself.” 

The Buzrug woke up and began digging at the base of the wall. After digging a few minutes,
he retrieved a bag with 500 dirhams. He resumed his journey. The whole day a variety of
thoughts crossed his mind regarding the money. He desired to spend it in the Path of Allah
Ta’ala. That night after Isha Salaat, in a dream Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said to
him: “A Faqeer and the wealth of the world cannot coexist. Go to a certain Musjid in Baghdad.
Abul Abbaas lives there. Give all the money to him.”
The Buzrug’s eyes opened. He immediately set off for Bagdad where he reached after seven
days. When he located the Musjid and found Abul Abbaas, he handed him the bag of money and
narrated the episode of the money and his dream. Abul Abbaas said: “For the past seven days we
had no food to eat. I am also in debt. The creditors are making vigorous demands on me. Now
Allah Rabbul Izzat has sent this gift with you.”