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Hakeemul-Ummah Hazrat Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi (rahmatullahi alahi) used to say, : ‘When someone becomes my follower, my main concern and worry is not to reform that person, instead my first concern is to embed my love in that persons heart since if he loves me, he will obey me.’ Similarly, once the child loves his parents, he will be prepared to do anything for them. To get angry with one’s child and to chase him out of the home may not be an effective form of punishment. In fact in many cases the child will be too happy to be away from the angry nagging parents. Yes, if the child loves the parent, then the slight displeasure of the parent is sufficient to stop the child from further displeasing the parent. In this era we need to “beat” our children with love, mercy and kindness or else we may loose them.