Reading Time: 2 minutes
A few unique attributes of the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) are being presented. None have been blessed with these attributes except the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam).
- He is the Final Messenger.
- The entire creation was created for the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam).
- His blessed name is written on the Arsh, Jannat, and on the foreheads of the maidens of Jannat.
- Glad tidings of his arrival has been written in every heavenly book.
- At the time of his birth all the idols fell on their faces.
- His blessed chest was split open.
- He has been blessed with Shifa’at-e-Kubra.
- The keys to all the treasures of the world have been given to him.
- He was blessed with Ayatul Kursi.
- For evidence of his Nabuwat, the moon was split in two.
- Allah made Maal-e-Ghanimat (spoils of war) halaal upon him.
- Almighty Allah made the entire earth Musjid for him.
- The miracle of the Quran was bestowed upon him.
- Liwa-ul-Humd (Flag of Praise) will be given to him on the Last day.
- Almighty Allah addressed every Prophet by his name, but referred to the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) with beautiful titles.
- He will be the first to enter Jannat.
- The Angels will ask about him in the grave.
- It was haraam for anyone to marry any of the blessed wives after the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) left the world physically.
- It is Waajib for every Musallee in Namaaz to say salaam upon him in Namaaz (in At Tahiyaat).
- He has been blessed with the Fountain of Kauthar.
- Almighty Allah has made him the Mukhtar (controller) of the Shariah.
He may make halaal what he wishes and haraam what he wishes.
- On the day of Qiyaamah every persons family name and genealogy will be terminated except that of the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam).
- The piece of ground between his Mimbar and Rauza-e-Anwar is a portion of Jannat.
- When the Soor is blown, He will be the first to rise.
- Hazrat Israfeel (alaihis salaam) did not come to any other Nabi but him.
- To call to him from outside his room was declared haraam.
- The punishment for any person who shows the slightest disrespect to him is death.
- He (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) has been blessed with more Mu’jizaat than all the other Ambia-e-Kiram alaihimus salaam. [Zirkani vol.5]