Proof for Two Sajdahs in Salaah

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Proof for two sajdahs in Salaah

Q: I have heard that the reason for there being two sajdahs in salaahis that when the angels together with Iblees were commanded to make sajdah, Iblees did not make sajdah. When the angels raised their heads from the sajdah they saw that Iblees was still standing. Thus, the angels went in to sajdah for the second time.

A: It appears in the books of fiqh that one sajdah is proven from the Qur’aan and the second is established from ijmaa` (consensus of the ummat.) Iblees had clearly opposed the command of Allah Ta’ala and said:

I am better than Aadam. You have created me from fire and created him from sand.[7: 12] Fire is superior to sand. How can I make sajdah to him!

Thus, Iblees had attempted to present evidence in order to oppose the command of Allah Ta’ala. This is kufr (disbelief). That is why it is said:

Iblees was the very first person to use analogy against the command of Allah Ta’ala. Evidence is recognised in shari`ah in order to support a law and apply it to another case. Iblees had presented evidence to break the command of Allah Ta`ala. That is why it is kufr.


Malfoozaat of Faqeeh-ul-Ummat