Hadhrat Abu Dharr Radiallahu Anhu Arrives In Makkah, Accepts Islam And Made To Suffer For The Sake Of Allaah Ta’ala

Reading Time: 3 minutes


Hadhrat Abu Dharr Radiallahu Anhu took some provisions and a filled waterbag along with him and rode off to Makkah. When he entered the Masjidul Haraam, he searched for Rasulullaah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam but did not recognise him. He did not want to ask anyone about Rasulullaah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam either and when night fell, he lay down to sleep.

Hadhrat Ali Radiallahu Anhu saw him and realised that he was a stranger. Hadhrat Ali Radiallahu Anhu offered to be his host for the night and Hadhrat Abu Dharr Radiallahu Anhu then went with Hadhrat Ali Radiallahu Anhu. Neither person asked the other any questions until morning.

Hadhrat Abu Dharr Radiallahu Anhu took his waterbag and provisions along with him to the Masjidul Haraam and spent the day there. However, when evening arrived, he had not yet seen Rasulullaah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam. He had returned to the place where he intended to lie down when Hadhra Ali Radiallahu Anhu passed by and said, “Has the man not yet found his destination?” Hadhrat Ali Radiallahu Anhu then helped him up and took him home without any of them exchanging questions.

When things turned out the same on the third day and Hadhrat Abu Dharr Radiallahu Anhu again stayed with Hadhrat Ali Radiallahu Anhu, Hadhrat Ali Radiallahu Anhu asked, “Will you not tell me what brings you here?” Hadhrat Abu Dharr Radiallahu Anhu replied, “I shall inform you if you give me your word that you would give me proper direction.” When Hadhrat Ali Radiallahu Anhu agreed, Hadhrat Abu Dharr Radiallahu Anhu informed him. Hadhrat Ali Radiallahu Anhu said, “It is true that he is the Rasul of Allaah. Follow me closely tomorrow morning. If I see anything that may jeopardize your safety, I shall stop with the pretence of needing to relieve myself (but you should proceed). When I continue walking, you should follow me once more and enter the place I enter. Hadhrat Abu Dharr Radiallahu Anhu did this and followed in the footsteps of Hadhrat Ali Radiallahu Anhu until Hadhrat Ali Radiallahu Anhu came to Rasulullaah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam and Hadhrat Abu Dharr Radiallahu Anhu entered with him.

Hadhrat Abu Dharr Radiallahu Anhu listened to Rasulullaah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam and accepted Islaam on the spot. Rasulullaah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam said to him, “Return to your people and convey the message to them until I send further instructions.” Hadhrat Abu Dharr Radiallahu Anhu said, “I swear by the Being Who controls my life that I shall shout it aloud amongst them all!” He then proceeded to the Masjidul Haraam where he called out at the top of his voice: “I testify that there is none worthy of worship but Allaah and that Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) is Allaah’s Rasul.”

The Mushrikeen then beat him to the ground. Hadhrat Abbaas Radiallahu Anhu arrived and threw himself over Hadhrat Abu Dharr Radiallahu Anhu (to shield him) saying ‘Fools! Don’t you realise that he belongs lo the Ghifaar tribe and that your traders have to pass them on the route they use to Shaam?!” In this manner, Hadhrat Abbaas Radiallahu Anhu saved him. The following day, Hadhrat Abu Dharr Radiallahu Anhu repeated himself The Mushrikeen again assaulted him and Hadhrat Abbaas Radiallahu Anhu had to throw himself over him (to save him).

Another narration of Bukhari states that Hadhrat Abu Dharr Radiallahu Anhu announced, ”0 assembly of Quraysh! I testify that there is none worthy of worship but Allaah and that Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) is Allaah’s servant and Rasul.” The Mushrikeen shouted, ‘Get that heretic!” They then beat him up with the intention of killing him when Hadhrat Abbaas Radiallahu Anhu arrived and threw himself over him. Turning to the people, Hadhrat Abbaas Radiallahu Anhu said, ‘Fools! You wish to kill a man from the Ghifaar when your trade route goes by them and you have to pass by them?!” people then left Hadhrat Abu Dharr Radiallahu Anhu.

Hadhrat Abu Dharr Radiallahu Anhu narrates further, “The following day I returned and repeated what I had said the previous day. The people again called out, ‘Grab that hereticl’ and they did what they had done the previous day. Abbaas Radiallahu Anhu found me there and threw himself over me and again told the people what he had told them the previous day.

Source: Hayaatus Sahaabah