Reading Time: 4 minutes


Question: How many people should go into the grave to lower the deceased? What is the masnoon doa to read when lowering the body?

Answer: It is not Sunnah to have an odd number of people to place the deceased into the grave. Four people lowered Rasoolullah Sallallahu alaihi wasallam into his grave.

It is Mustahabb to recite بسم الله وعلي ملة رسول الله (Bismillahi wa ala millati Rasoolillah) when lowering the deceased.

Question: Inheritance for Mother, Father, Pregnant Wife, Two sons and Daughter

Question: Please give us the ruling of inheritance pertaining to the heirs which are the deceased’s, pregnant wife, mother, father, two sons and a dayghter.

Answer: The mother will inherit 1/6, Father and the wife 1/8. The balance will be devided into 7 shares (the 3 sons-including the unborn assumed son-and one daughter). Each son receives twice the share of the daughter. If the baby happens to be a girl, the remaining shares will be eight (3 sons and 2 daughters).

Question: I would like to know regarding parents, when do they and don’t they inherit?

Answer: Parents always inherit.  According to the heirs available, they inherit different proportions.

Question: Are Shias Muslims?or Are All Shias Kaafir?

All Shiahs in this age are non-Muslims. They subscribe to a number of
clear-cut beliefs of kufr, hence they are not Muslim. Among their
beliefs of kufr are the following:

(1)  Extension of Nubuwwat (Prophet) to their twelve imams.
(2)   Their imaams have all the Attributes of Nubuwwat.
(3)   Jibraeel (alayhis salaam) brings wahi to their  imams.
(4)   The twelve Imaams are Ma’soom (sinless) just as the Ambiya are
(5) The present Qur’aan which the Ahlus Sunnah have is a fabrication.
The ‘true’ Qur’aan is with Imaam Mahdi in a cave where he is in
(6)   All the verses extolling Hadhrat Ali (radhiyallahu anhu) have
been deleted from the present Qur’aan Majeed.
(7)     All the Sahaabah barring a handful, became munaafiqeen.
(8)   Jibraeel (alayhis salaam) had erred in delivery of the Wahi.
Allah Ta’ala had sent him to deliver the Qur’aanic revelation to Ali
(radhiyallahu anhu), but he erred and   delivered it to Muhammad
(sallallahu alayhi wasallam).

Besides the above, they have many corrupt practices.

Q.   What is the ruling  regarding saluting the national flag and singing the national anthem in which  there are words of kufr?
A.   Saluting the flag and singing the national anthem which contains words of kufr are haraam. They lose their Imaan with such indulgence.

Why is it not permissible to wear jeans? What is the ruling if it is worn just for the husband?

Answer:  Jeans is the dress of fussaaq (depraved people). It is not permissible to emulate the fussaaq in their lewd dress styles. Furthermore, this tight fitting garment is also said to be harmful, physically. We have seen several reports of the harms to a person’s health in wearing this tight fitting outfit. Alas we had to mention this factor, whereas the spiritual harm ought to be sufficient deterrence for a Muslim to adopt abstention.

It is highly unbecoming of Muslim husbands to desire their wives to follow the fashion of the zaaniyahs who prowl the streets. This smacks strongly of fisq.

Question: I have several children. I wish to sell my shop to my one son who has been much more helpful and diligent. My other children feel offended. Am I being unjust?

Answer: No, you are not being unjust. In the Shariah, you are free to sell your business for whatsoever price you want to and to whomsoever you want to. As long as you are within the confines of the Shariah, ignore the displeasure of the others which in reality is a displeasure against Allah’s Command.

Question: I am an Ustaad at a Madrassah. Due to my low income, a person, out of his own accord, offered to supplement my monthly salary. I was made to wait at times for two hours in his shop. On other occasions I was told to return the next day. I have decided not to go to his shop again. Please advise if this is pride.

Answer: The person has erred severely in treating you in this manner. By not going with a begging bowl in your hand, you have upheld the lofty stage of ‘ilm. What you have done does not constitute pride.

Whenever any form of contribution to Deen is done, whether it be Zakaat, Lillah or Waqf etc., it is extremely important that the approach be honourable, dignified and sincere.

More than dealing with a person, organization or institution — one is dealing with The Most High, especially when it comes to non-obligatory issues.

Let’s cite the example of Nafl Salaah. This is not an obligation. However, if a person commences two Rak’aats Nafl Salaah and for some reason or the other, he terminates it before completion, it is now compulsory upon him to repeat it. Allah Ta’ala did not demand the Nafl Salaah in the first place. Since it was started, the Shariah demands that we repeat it. The worship of Allah, physically or materially, is not a casual affair.

Contributions should be done with humility and respect. There should be a deep sense of Shukr that one’s wealth is being used for Islam and not squandered on a wedding, etc. Contributions should not be done as a favour or as a manner which creates an impression that it is a burden.

The real loser is the donor. How much Thawaab he has deprived himself of will only be clear to him on the Day of Qiyamah. He has lost the Thawaab of every child that you taught.  What a great loss!

No sincere Deeni activity stopped because of lack of funds. Allah Ta’ala always creates the means for others to step in.  Do not fear. Insha-Allah, Allah will grant you plenty of Barkat. (Ameen)

I am in iddah for my 1st talaaq. Is it okay to make du’aa to reconcile while I am in iddah? I have put my faith and trust in Allah, and Allah knows what’s in my heart and that, Insha – Allah, I want to reconcile my marriage.Am I allowed to make sincere du’aa to Allah to help guide us back to each other, for our sake and our child? And are there du’aas to read?

Answer: You are permitted and in fact encouraged in the Shariah to resort to means of reconciliation with your husband during your iddat of one talaaq. A woman in the state of iddat occasioned by a talaaq-e-raj’i is urged to adorn herself and arouse her husband to have intimate contact with her which will constitute raj‘at or retaking of the wife.

Du’aa is obviously the first and foremost recourse the Mu-min and Mu-minah should turn to. Speak to Allah Ta’ala and plead with Him for an opening. Du’aa at the time of Fardh Salaahs and especially at the time of Tahajjud are very efficacious.