KZN Harding Town Aftermath of Looting
Assalamu alaikum w.w..
My fervent Dua is that all are well and in Aafiyah In Shaa Allah.
Alhamdulillah under the circumstances we find ourselves in ,with the Fadl and Mercy of Allah Ta Aala we are all well.
It is only due to my weaknesses and sins that Harding was amongst the locations that was attacked and looted over a 48hr period,beginning on the 12th of July 2021.
Harding was literally a war zone,with buildings on fire,gun shots being fired ,stones and rocks raining on us and 1000s of people combing through shops and properties leaving Harding in the early hours of Wednesday morning in utter chaos,mayhem and destruction.
In defending Harding,Ml Abdur Rahman Moolla,Ml Hamza Sadar,Ml Muawiyah Sadar and a few brothers sustained injuries. Ml Abdur Rahman was hospitalized and is now on the road to recovery, Alhamdulillah.
The wave of destruction has left approximately 110 Businesses gutted and in ruins. Approximately 500 jobs have been affected which translates to approximately 5000 lives being affected indirectly.
Amongst the 110 businesses, approximately 45 are Muslim owned.Few of these have decided not to reopen whilst others have made niyyat to brave the odds and reopen their doors.With no means or very little,it is their resilience and hope that shines through.
I recall collecting food from a few of these stores for distribution to the poor, however in just a few hours the very same businessmen were asking me for food.I recall them calling me to collect Zakaat monies from them in assistance to discharge their due,and now after doing a brief profile of the businesses affected, they are now liable for zakaat.
How Allah Ta Aala changes conditions overnight.
In my estimation the total loss and damage sustained to Muslim owned businesses in Harding is in the region R200Million .
Together with other non Muslim entities,approximately R500mill including loss of income.
I suppose the silver lining in this entire saga, is that as a community we came together and stood our ground in protecting what was left of our little town. We rallied together, blocked of entrances and exits,established check points,organized patrolling of the streets and pulled of an entire shut down of Harding. All stakeholders including the farming community and taxi association amongst others came under 1 roof and formed a body referred to as Exco.This body represents us as a community, as 1 people ,as 1 unit that will stand together in defending our lives,livelihoods and property.
We are now at the juncture of getting up from the ground, dusting our selves off,picking up the pieces of our shattered lives and moving on.
Yes,we do need moral support, we do need financial support, but most of all we need your Duas.Haji Abu Bakr sb,my HOD always tells me that Allah Ta Aala will never disgrace us.We will rise again In Shaa Allah..With the help of Allah Ta Aala we will rise again..Stronger,
smarter,more humbled and with Greater Reliance on Rabbul Izzati wal Jalaal.
Request for your pious Duas and Nusrat in whatever means to get our businesses up and running again In Shaa Allah.
Jazakumullahu Khairan wa ahsanal Jaza
Hayder Amod (Moulana)
O Allāh! Give us such a portion of Your fear whereby You come as a barrier between us and committing acts of disobedience against You.
Give us such a portion of Your obedience whereby You convey us into Your Paradise. Give us such a portion of conviction with
which You make insignificant for us the calamities of this world.
Let us enjoy the benefits of our ears, eyes and strength as long as You keep us alive, and continue their goodness after our death.
Retaliate on our behalf against those who oppress us and help us against those who oppose us.
Do not allow any calamity to afflict our Deen.
Do not make the world our prime objective, the limit of our knowledge, nor our ultimate desire.
Do not give authority over us to him who does not show mercy to us.