Beautiful Niyyats to be made when Reciting The Quraan Shareef

Reading Time: 2 minutes


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Beautiful Niyyats to be made when Reciting The Quraan Shareef

❖ Oh الله سبحانه وتعالى I’m performing an act of Ibaadah, solely for YOUR pleasure to fulfil YOUR command, to gain YOUR love, Ma’rifat ,Nisbat and nearness to YOU.

❖ Oh الله سبحانه وتعالى let every single letter that I read be a special durood for my BELOVED NABI AKRAM صَلَّى اللََُّّ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ

❖ For the Quraan Shareef to Intercede for us on the Day of Qiyaamah

❖ For us to receive all the rewards associated with reading the Quraan Shareef as Mentioned in the Ahaadeeth of NABI AKRAM صَلَّى اللََُّّ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّ م

❖ I am reading the Holy Quraan with Imaan and Ihtisaaban and following the Sunnah of NABI AKRAM صَلَّى اللََُّّ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّ م

❖ I make all the intentions that NABI AKRAM صَلَّى اللََُّّ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ Made and asked us to make when reading the Holy Quraan

❖ For the Quraan Shareef to Fill Our Hearts and Testify in our Favour on the day of Qiyaamah

❖ For us to Memorize and Act on Every Verse we Recite so that we can Ascend in Jannah

❖ For us to Bring Firm Belief in Every Aayat of the Quraan Shareef and remove any Doubts

❖ For the Quraan Shareef to Remove illnesses from our Hearts, Cure our Bodies, Shifaa to any illnesses and The Effects of all sins.

❖ For the Quraan Shareef to give our Hearts Peace, Tranquillity and Contentment

❖ For the Quraan Shareef to Guide us Onto the Straight Path and For us to Die whilst Reciting the Quraan Shareef

❖ For the Quraan Shareef to be Our Companion in the Grave

❖ For The Recitation of Quraan Shareef be a Means of Hidaayat to myself, My family, The Entire Mankind and Jinnkind till the day of Qiyaamah

❖ For the Quraan Shareef to bring us Closer to Allah Ta’ala by Loving His words

❖ For the Quraan Shareef to Increase our Imaan, to read with Concentration and Devotion, To purify my speech and Grant me Ikhlaas in all my actions

❖ For the Quraan Shareef to increase us in Knowledge and Humility

❖ For the Quraan Shareef to be a Reason for Allah Ta’ala to make us from His People

❖ To glorify Allah Ta’ala, that everything Around you Hears you Reciting the words of Allah Ta’ala and testifies on the day of Qiyaamah

❖ For Barakah to Descend Wherever I am and my Surroundings
❖ To Read the Quraan Shareef correctly, with correct pronunciation and Tajweed in a Beautiful manner

❖ For the Quraan Shareef to Brighten my face with Noor

❖ For the Quraan Shareef to keep my Nafs under control and keep Shaytaan away from me

❖ For Allah Ta’ala to Mention my name Among the Malaaikah and for the Malaaikah to listen to my Recitation

❖ To Learn, Teach, Love, Propagate, Respect and Practice upon the Quraan Shareef ❖ For Isaale – Thawaab of NABI AKRAM صَلَّى اللََُّّ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ , Sahabah (رضي الله عنهم ) and All Marhoomeen

This can be printed out, kept inside our Quraan Shareef and be read before commencing the recitation of the Quraan Shareef