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Q & A

Q: There was no mention of mahr at the time of nikah. Is the nikah valid?

A: Yes it is valid. That mahr will be wajib for the groom which will be mar-e-mith. Mahr mith is that mahr which was given to a woman of the girls fathers family, whom are equal in beauty, age etc to the girl getting married. Whatever that girl received when she got married, this girl will receive the same amount of mahr.

Q. Please advise; I am a divorced lady with twin boys aged 11. There is a man interested in marriage with 2 daughters; aged 16 and 12. Their mum has passed away. We have fallen in love. Our kids are happy and we would like to make nikaah, Insha-Allah. Is this permissible? Will our kids be able to all live together with us?

A. Marriage in this case though permissible, however it is fraught with danger to the children. There is almost certainty that there will be haraam contact between the boys and girls. There will be too many opportunities to commit zina. In view of this grave danger you should not get married to him. And Allah Ta’ala knows best.

Q. A worker was hired to transport some goods. Along the way some goods were stolen. Can the owner hold him liable and deduct from his wages/fees?

A. Only if the transporter /carrier was negligent may the owner of the stolen / lost goods hold him liable. The goods in the custody of the transporter is Amaanat. He cannot be held liable for any loss of the goods if he was not negligent.

Q. Who has to pay the expenses for winding up the estate of a deceased?

A. The expenses for winding up the estate should be paid from the estate’s assets. The third for any wasiyyat (bequest for a non-heir) will be related to the balance after deducting expenses and debts.

Q. What are the meanings of Ilhaam, Waswasah, Kashf, Karaamat and Istidraaj?

A. Ilhaam: It is an inspiration from Allah Ta’ala into the heart of the Wali.

Waswasah: It is a shaitaani whisper into the heart.

Kashf: It is the same as Ilhaam. However, there is greater clarity in Kashf than in Ilhaam.

Karaamat: It is a miracle displayed by a Wali of Allah Ta’ala.

Istidraaj: It is a miracle displayed by a faasiq or a kaafir. It is a shaitaani demonstration.

Q. A person does not move his lips when performing Salaat. It appears that he reads in his mind. Is his Salaat valid?
A. It is necessary for the musalli to hear his own voice when performing Namaaz. If he reads in his mind, his Salaat will not be valid.

Q. A man committed adultery with his wife’s sister. Is his Nikah still valid?

A. Although he is guilty of a heinous sin, his Nikah remains valid.