IMPORTANCE OF MONDAY AND THURSDAY – Hadhrat Maseehul Ummat رحمه الله
Importance of Monday and Thursday
Hadhrat Maseehul Ummat رحمه الله
Listening and discussing is for the purpose of acting accordingly, for one to focus and ponder on one’s shortcomings and weaknesses, and save oneself from these. At the minimum, when the days of Monday and Thursday arrive, one should picture in one’s mind the following:
“Today, our deeds will be presented to Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam). At least let this Monday/ Thursday should pass without me committing any sins.”
Let these days, at least, pass by with the above thought in mind. Contemplating in this manner,
Insha-Allah, these two days will pass without committing sins, and when one keeps on contemplating repeatedly along these lines, a time will come when one will avoid being caught in the clutches of Shaitan, as Allah Ta’ala knows the talab (desire/ quest) that is in one. Allah Ta’ala is the One Who blesses with tawfeeq.
The discourse is approaching its end.
Just to emphasise that we should not harbour such negative thoughts that we have a multitude of sins and if we make taubah today we will break the taubah tomorrow. Who can be certain whether the taubah will be maintained or not? Similarly, who can say whether
sins will be committed again or not? Having made taubah, at that time the sins are forgiven. So, make taubah every night before sleeping. It may happen that one’s Ruh (soul) departs during the night in one’s sleep, and having made taubah before sleeping, one’s sins have been forgiven. Also, make this
resolve that if there are any rights to fulfil with regard to any person, one will make the effort to fulfil these rights. Allah Ta’ala is well aware of one’s intention (niy’yet).
Remember: Deeds are judged by their intentions.
So make a definite point of making taubah at night before sleeping, with remorse in one’s heart. And respect the days of Monday and Thursday. And do not let the wiswasah of Shaitan enter one’s mind that he did not make taubah and that he will not allow you to make taubah. And remember very well that, when the bandah makes taubah with a remorseful heart, the thought of remorse has just occurred, and he has not as yet lifted his hands to plead.
Source – For Friends