The Virtues and Rights of Marriage

Reading Time: 3 minutes


The Virtues and Rights of Marriage


It is mentioned in a Hadith that this world has been created to be utilised and that of all the things that are utilised in this world, there is nothing better than a pious woman. In other words, if a person is fortunate enough to get a pious wife, it will be a great blessing. It is also a mercy from Allah Ta’ala that she is actually a comfort for the husband and a means for his success in this world and in the hereafter. A person enjoys comfort from such a woman for his worldly needs and she also assists him in fulfilling his religious duties.

It is mentioned in a Hadith that Rasulullah sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said: “Marriage is my way and my sunnah.” “The one who does not act upon my sunnah is not of me.” That is, there is no relationship between him and me. This is actually a warning and a threat to the one who does not practice on the sunnah and a mention of Rasulullah’s sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam anger on such a person. It is therefore necessary to be extremely cautious in this regard. Furthermore, how can a Muslim bear to have Rasulullah sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam displeased with him for even a moment. May Allah Ta’ala grant us death before that day comes when a Muslim is able to bear the displeasure of Allah and His Rasul sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam.

It is mentioned in a Hadith that Rasulullah sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said: “Marry so that I can be proud (of your numbers) on the day of judgement over the other nations.” In other words, Rasulullah sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam likes his ’ummah to be in large numbers and more than the other nations. If this happens, his ’ummah will be carrying out more good deeds, and in so doing he will receive more rewards and gain closer proximity to Allah Ta’ala. This is because whoever from his ’ummah does good deeds, does so through his teachings. Therefore, the more people who act on his teachings, the more reward he will receive for conveying those teachings. We also learn from this that whenever and however possible, we should undertake to carry out those tasks and actions that will take us closer to Allah Ta’ala, and that we should not display any laziness in this regard.

It is mentioned in a Hadith that on the day of judgement the people will be standing in 120 lines. Out of these, 40 lines of people will be from the other nations while 80 lines of people will be from the ’ummah of Rasulullah sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. Glory be to Allah! How beloved Rasulullah sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam is to Him.

The one who is able to (fulfil the rights of a wife) should marry. As for the one who does not have sufficient wealth (to fulfil the rights of a wife), he should fast. That is, he should fast so that there will be a decrease in his desires. Fasting is actually a means of curbing his desires. If a person does not have a very dire need for women, and instead has an average need, and he is able to pay for her basic necessities, then nikah is sunnat-e -mu’akkadah for such a person. As for the person who has a very urgent need, nikah will be fard upon him. This is because there is a fear that he will commit adultery and thereby get the sin of committing a haram act. If a person has a very urgent need but is financially incapable of maintaining a wife, then such a person must fast abundantly. Later, when he has sufficient funds to maintain a wife, he must get married.