The Bollywood Songs that Destroy Your Īmaan
The Bollywood Songs that Destroy Your Īmaan
The flood of Hindi music poses a great danger to the īmān and faith of those who listen to it.
In Bollywood movies, there are many songs played wherein Islamic words are taken out of context and used incorrectly. Islamic slogans and symbols are mixed into the songs, destroying the honor and sanctity of these slogans and symbols.
The hurtful reality is that we as Muslims, a nation that believes in Allāh Ta’ālā and the final Messenger, Sayyidunā Muhammad Rasūlullāh sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam, remain silent.
Some are, understandably unaware of the reality, but others willfully and knowingly participate in listening and spreading these types of blasphemous songs and movies.
What makes things more complicated is that by listening to such kinds of songs, a polytheistic mindset and outlook is built in the mind of the listener. This is probably why many simple and straightforward Islamic teachings seem beyond the comprehension of even many born Muslims.
Note: I have translated the song words from Urdu.
In 2006, there was a film made on the theme of Kashmir called ‘Fana’. A song in this film reads:
‘When the moon will intercede for us, he will give us a son.’
In August 2008, a film called ‘Bachna e Haseeno’ was released. The song of it reads:
‘Fall into prostration, I stopped when you came, all this that happens, what do we have to take from everyone, from now I shall put everything in front of you, you have become my prayer, God knows that I have sacrificed myself, God knows I have finished myself, God knows why it happened that you have become my God.’
In February 2010, a film called ‘My name is Khan’ was released. The Pakistani singer, Rahat Fatah Ali Khan sang:
‘Now my life returns, this world can end, whether I remain or not, I shall prostrate to you.’
In March 2010, Atif Aslam sang the following words in a film called ‘Prince’:
‘I have beautified paradises for you, I have abandoned divine teachings for you.’
Only Allāh Ta’ālā knows what our condition is now and what shocking blasphemy is blaring from screens in Muslim homes today.
A Plea
For the sake of Allāh Ta’ālā, boycott Bollywood, flee from it like you would from an inferno.
May Allāh Ta’ālā keep us steadfast with proper Imaān. Āmeen
Mufti Abdullah Moolla