There is No Benefit in Debates Nowadays!
There is no benefit in debates nowadays. The environment has changed and worsened. Whenever I am invited for a debate, I excuse myself from it. However, if the venue has been fixed and the
principal of Darul Uloom instructs me to go for the debate, then only will I attend it.
Once, a debate was organised in a certain area. Moulana Naseer Ahmad Khan Sahib, the vice principal personally came to the Darul Iftaa and requested me to participate in the debate, but I turned down
the offer. Moulana Mi`raaj-ul-Haq Sahib came to me as well, and also requested me to participate in the debate. Again, I declined the request.
Thereafter, he handled the situation very wittingly. He had Moulana Fakhruddeen Sahib agree to this. Moulana then summoned me.
When I went to Moulana, I told him, “Hadhrat! The atmosphere is poisonous and one’s tongue is soiled in such debates. Through this, the audience is also affected.”
Moulana replied, “I am aware of this, but this is a matter that relates to the entire group. That is why I am asking you to go. However, you shall not go to the venue of the debate. Rather, you will remain at your residence. Moulana Irshaad Sahib will debate on our behalf. I am only telling you this so that no dispute arises in this matter. Had I been healthy and fit I would have personally attended but now, I am frail and weak.”
Q: Hadhrat, Why don’t the Ahl-e-Kitaab (Christians and Jews) accept Islam if the signs of Nabi are recorded in their kitaabs?
A: Since we were discussing debates, I will answer you in a similar manner.
The prohibition of sinning also appears in the Qur’aan. Then why don’t the Muslims abstain from sinning? The Qur’aan contains the command of performing Salaah yet so many Muslims neglect their
Salaah. The Qur’aan has prohibited the consumption of wine yet many Muslims still consume wine. Speaking lies has been prohibited yet so many people speak lies. Adultery has been prohibited. Then
why do people commit adultery? You have laid a claim against them. Why don’t you first lay a claim against yourself and your fellow Muslims?
Malfoozaat of Faqeeh-ul-Ummat