Instrument Of Zina (Adultery) And Instrument Of Music

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Instrument of zina (adultery) and instrument of music

In Kanpur, there was a man who loved listening to qawwaali. He would always carry his guitar with him like how a hunter carries his rifle. Even whilst performing Salaah he would place the guitar before him. Someone asked him, “Is it correct to bring a musical instrument into the musjid?” He counter answered by saying, “Is it correct to bring the instrument of zina into the musjid?”

This person remained silent.
When he related this to me I said, “Why did you remain silent? You should have given him a bitter answer and said that it is prohibited to bring a musical instrument into the musjid. As far as the instrument of adultery is concerned, it is for that person who has specified that he will only commit adultery with his private organ.

Now, it is prohibited for him to bring it into the masjid. If this is not the case, then it is an instrument of nikaah and not of adultery. Therefore, his analysis is incorrect.”


Malfoozaat of Faqeeh-ul-Ummat