The First Jumu’ah in Islam

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Building the Masjid at Quba and the first Jumu’ah salaah 

Quba is a little suburb approximately 3 miles from Madinah. Many families lived there during the time of  Rasulullaah صلى الله عليه وسلم and their headman was Kulthoom bin Hadam. Before arriving in Madinah,  Rasulullaah صلى الله عليه وسلم stayed with him for a few days and  Rasulullaah صلى الله عليه وسلم himself laid the foundation of the Masjid there and assisted in the construction work. It is known as Masjid Quba and is referred to in the Qur’aan as the Masjid that was founded on Taqwa from the very first day. The Qur’aan also bears testimony to the purity of the people of Quba.  Rasulullaah صلى الله عليه وسلم stayed there for 14 days and left on the first of Rabee’ul Awwal. It was a Friday and he was passing by the homes of the Banu Saalim tribe when the time for the Jumu’ah salaah arrived.  Rasulullaah صلى الله عليه وسلم therefore delivered a Khutbah and led the Jumu’ah salaah there. This was the first Jumu’ah salaah in Islaam and was attended by approximately 100 people.