WHY I LEFT THE SHIAH RELIGION – A Former Shi’i Priests’ Testimony
Sayyid Husain Al-Musawi is not an unfamiliar name among the Shi’ahs. He was a great scholar of the Shi’ahs who was born in Karbala and studied in Hauzah until he got the title “mujtahid”. He also had a special position in the sight of Imam Ayatullah Khomeini.
After going through a long spiritual journey, he finally left Shi’ah, because he found so many deviations and errors in it. This article was excerpted from his book, ‘Why I Left Shi’ah (transl.)’, his responsibility for Allah and history before he was eventually murdered: The following is his testimony before he was killed by the Shiah priest:
“I was born in Karbala, growing up in an environment of Shi’ah people and was cared for by my father, who was a religious person. I studied in a number of schools in the city up until I reached early adolescence. And then my father sent me to Hauzah, sort of like an Islamic boarding school, in the city of Najaf. It was the main city of knowledge, the place of the famous scholars to study religious knowledge, such as Imam Sayyid Muhammad Ali Husain Kasyif Al-Ghita. He was a notable figure in the ‘City of Knowledge’. Since then, I started thinking seriously about the issue of knowledge. I studied the madzhab of Ahlul-Bait, but on the other hand I have found reproach and attacks against the Ahlul-Bait.
I learned about the issues of Shari’ah to worship Allah, but in it were nas (texts) which show kufr against Allah SWT. “O Allah, what am I studying? Is it possible that all this is the true madzhab of Ahlul-Bait?”
Indeed, this led to the splitting of a person’s personality. Because, how does he worship Allah while on the other hand he is kufr against Allah? How does he follow the sunnah of Rasulullah while on the other hand he attacks him? How can he be said following the Ahlul Bait, loving and studying their madzhab, while he insults and mocks him?
“Send down your mercy and love O Allah. If not because of Your mercy, I will surely be among those who go astray, in fact among those who lose.”
I again asked myself, “What is the attitude of the notable figures, the imams and those who are considered as ulama’s? What is their stance on this matter? Do they see what I see? Do they learn what I learn?”
I need someone to complain about all my confusion and pour out all my sadness to. I finally got the guidance and a good idea, i.e. to do a comprehensive study and re-assess all the subject materials that I had received. I read everything I got from the references, be it the mu’tabar or otherwise.
I read every book that got into my hands. I pondered to review some of the paragraphs and those nas and I commented based on the ideas that were in my brain.
When I finished reading the references that are mu’tabar, I got some paper, and then kept them, hopefully one day Allah will determine a decision for me.
I beg Allah for help in explaining this truth. There would be a lot of accusation, fitnah and murder attempts that would be met if one exposes the deviations of Shi’ah, but I had already considered all those, and they did not prevent me from doing it.
The people of Shi’ah have killed the father of our leaders, namely Ayatullah Uzhma Imam Sayyid Abul Hasan Al-Ashfani, the greatest imam of the Shi’ah after the disappearance of the imams until today. There is no doubt that he was a great figure of Shi’ah, however, when he was about to straighten out the manhaj of Shi’ah and cleanse the superstitions that are present in it, they slaughtered him like how they slaughter a goat. Just as they also have assassinated Sayyid Ahmad Al-Kasrawi when he declared himself free of the deviations of Shi’ah and wanted to straighten out the manhaj of Shi’ah, they chopped off the body of Sayyid Ahmad into several parts.
There are still many people who suffered the same fate due to their courage in opposing the baatil aqeedah incuded into the madzhab of Shi’ah. And they also want me to suffer the same fate. But it does not frighten me. Suffice it for me to deliver the truth, advise my brothers, give warnings to them and turn away from misguidance.
If I want the pleasure of the world, the mut’ah (contract marriage) and khumus (a fifth of the property given by the followers of Shi’ah) have been enough to achieve all those, as done by others other than my-self who have become rich in each of their area. Some of them ride the most expensive cars of the latest model. But alhamdulillah, I turned away from those since I recognize the truth.
Seeing The Ahlus-sunnah As Najis (Unclean)
The most widespread belief among us, the followers of Shi’ah is the prioritization on the Ahlul Bait. In the madzhab of Shi’ah, everything is based on the love for the Ahlul Bait. To disown themselves from the laymen, namely the Ahlus-Sunnah, to disown themselves from the three khalifahs and Aishah binti Abu Bakar for their attitude against the Ahlul Bait.
What’s rooted in the mind of every Shi’ah, be it the young or the old, the clever or the ignorant, the male or the female, is that the Sahabahs had done injustices against the Ahlul Bait, shed their blood and made halal their honor. The belief instilled by the ulama’s and mujtahid of Shi’ah is that their biggest enemy is the Ahlus Sunnah. This is because the Sunni people are considered najis in the sight of the Shi’ahs, to the extent that even if they cleanse themselves a thousand times, the najis will not vanish.
Almost all the books of Shi’ahs that I studied are full of rough language and are beyond common sense. Various insults, aspersion and dirty words are scattered in every book. In fact, often times, what’s expressed do not have sound logic. Please read Al-Kafi, Nahjul Balaghah, Al-Ihtijaj and Rijal Kishi.
If we want to explore every-thing that is said about Ahlul Bait, the discussion will be extended, because no one among them is free from the dirty words, foul sentences or contemptible accusations. Many despicable deeds have been attributed to them.
Other Holy Scriptures
But the gravest of all in the deviations of the Shi’ahs is the presence of other holy scriptures besides Al-Qur’an and that they say that the Qur’an is fake. When reading and examining our references that are mu’tabar (reliable), I found the names of other books claimed by our ulama as being revealed to Rasulullah (S.A.W) and that those books were specially dedicated to Ali R.A. Those books are Al-Jami’ah, Sahifah An-Namus, Sahifah Al-Abithah, Sahifah Dzuabah As-Saif, Sahifah Ali, Al-Jufr, Mushaf Fatimah.
Regarding the Mushaf Fatimah, from Ali bin Said and Abu Abdullah A.S (Ja’afar As- Sadiq), he said, “We possess the mushaf Fatimah. It contains the verses of the Kitabullah. It was revealed to Rasulullah and his family and was written personally by Ali with his hand.” [Bihar Al Anwar, 26/48].
If the book was dictated by Rasulullah and written by Ali, why did he hide it from his ummah? Allah SWT says, “O Messenger, announce that which has been revealed to you from your Lord., and if you do not, then you have not conveyed His message….” [Surah Al-Maidah: 67].
Regarding the Qur’an, our ulama and mujtahids agreed that the Qur’an is the only book that has changed among the books that are recognized by the Shi’ahs. Al-Muhaddith An-Nuri Ath-Thibrisi has compiled all the evidences and proofs of the occurrence of wide-scale alterations in the Qur’an in his book which he named “The Determiner In Establishing The Occurrence Of Alterations In The Book Of God of All Gods” (Faslu al-khithab fi Ittisbati Tahrif Kitabi Rabbi Al-Arbab).
In his book, he has compiled a thousand riwaayahs which stated that there has occurred alterations. He compiled the words of the fiqh experts and the ulama of the Shi’ah who openly stated that the Qur’an that is in the hands of mankind today has been changed from the original. The true Qur’an is the Qur’an that was with Ali and the imams. After them, it will be with Al-Qaim (Imaam Mahdi).
Due to that, at the time of death, Imam Al-Khaui in his testament to us, his students and cadres in Hauzah said, “Hold tight to this Al-Qur’an until the appearance of the Qur’an Fatimah.”
Indeed, the most bizarre and surprising thing is that, all of these supposed books had been revealed from Allah to Imam Ali and the imams after him but they are all hidden from the ummah. If Imam Ali really had those books, what is he hiding them for?
After wandering in bewilderment in a very tedious and painful journey, what should I do? Do I have to remain in the position and office the way it is today, and dredge away the abundant treasures from the simple-minded people who do not know anything in the name of khumus and contributions in the festivals and then ride in a luxury car and practice nikah mut’ah with beautiful women? Or do I have to leave this pleasure, abstain from the haraam deeds and blast out the truth because one who is silent from the truth is a mute Satan (according to Rasulullah – sallallahu alayhi wasallam).
I know that Abdullah bin Saba’ is a Jew who founded the Shi’ah Madzhab and the sects in Islam. He instilled enmity and hatred amongst them after they were earlier bound by love and Imaan which united their hearts.
“They [think to] deceive Allah and those who believe, but they deceive not except themselves and perceive [it] not.” [Surah Al-Baqarah:9]
The Testimony Of The Author Before He Was Killed
After I published my book, Why I left the Shiah, for the Pleasure of Allah and for posterity, a fatwa was issued from the city of knowledge declaring me a kaafir, and the retraction of all my academic titles. All the punishments of the murtad people are imposed on me, and it is forbidden for the Shi’ahs to read my book.