5. A person does not recite Surah Faatihah but reads some other verse or some other Surah, or he only recites Surah Faatihah and does not read any other verse or Surah, or he does not sit down after the second rakaat but stands up for the third rakaat without sitting down and without reading attahiyyaat, or he sat down but did not read at-tahiyyaat – in all these cases,although he will be absolved of his fard duty, his salaat will be worthless. It is wajib on him to repeat his salaat. If he does not repeat his salaat, he will be committing a great sin. However, if he does all these things unintentionally, then by making sajdah-e-sahw, his salaat will become valid.
6. At the time of making salaam, the person did not make salaam. Instead he started to speak, or conversed with someone, or got up and went away somewhere, or did something else with which salaat breaks; then the same rule applies over here. That is, although he will be absolved of his fard duty, he will still have to repeat his salaat. If he does not do so, he will be sinful.
7. If a person recited a Surah before Surah Faatihah, even then he will have to repeat his salaat. If he did this unintentionally, he should make sajdah-e-sahw.
8. After Surah Faatihah, at least three verses should be recited. If only oneo r two verses are recited and they are such that they equal three verses inlength, salaat will still be valid.
9. After standing up from ruku, a person did not recite: سمع الله لمن حمده
or in ruku he did not recite: سبحان ربي العظيم
or in sajdah he did not recite: سبحان ربي الاعلى
or in the last sitting position he did not recite durood after at-tahiyyaat.Then in all the above cases his salaat will be valid, but it will be contrary tothe sunnah. Similarly, if after the durood, he did not read any dua, but made salaam immediately after reciting the durood, then too his salaat will be valid but contrary to the sunnah.
10. It is sunnah to raise the hands at the time of commencing the salaat. If one does not raise his hands, it will still be proper but contrary to the sunnah.
11. In every rakaat, Bismillah should be read before Surah Faatihah. Whenthe next Surah is read, Bismillah should be read again. This is the preferable method.
12. When making sajdah, if one does not place the forehead and nose on the ground, but places the forehead only, even then the salaat will be valid. But if one does not place the forehead, and places the nose only, the salaat will not be valid (This is irrespective of whether this is done intentionally or unintentionally. The rule will be the same.) However, if a person has a valid excuse, it will be permissible to place his nose only.
13. If a person did not stand upright in ruku, but merely lifted his head slightly and went straight into sajdah, he will have to repeat his salaat. (This will apply if he had done this intentionally. If he did it unintentionally, he must make sajdah-e-sahw.)
To be continued in shaa Allah