Teachings in Islam! – Advices of Hazrat Moulana Maseehullah رحمه الله – Part 1-10
Reading Time: < 1 minute
- All progress is dependent upon remaining steadfast on the Shariah.
- The Wealth of Attainment (reaching Allah) is acquired though the Shariah and adherence to the Sunnah.
- Earning is not your control, but spending is.
- Shariat is knowledge. Tareeqat is acting upon that knowledge.
- Tareeqat actually means practising on the masaa-il of the Shariat.
- Islaah (spiritual reformation) of the nafs is Farz (Compulsory).
- The goal and destination of the path of Sulook is the pleasure of Allah.
- The pleasure of Allah is obtained through following the Shariat.
- To take Bay’at is sunnat.
- It is compulsory to place oneself into the hands of a (qualified) Sheikh for the rectification of evil deeds.