Teachings in Islam! – Advices of Hazrat Moulana Maseehullah رحمه الله – Part 1-10

Reading Time: < 1 minute


  1. All progress is dependent upon remaining steadfast on the Shariah.
  2. The Wealth of Attainment (reaching Allah) is acquired though the Shariah and adherence to the Sunnah.
  3. Earning is not your control, but spending is.
  4. Shariat is knowledge. Tareeqat is acting upon that knowledge.
  5. Tareeqat actually means practising on the masaa-il of the Shariat.
  6. Islaah (spiritual reformation) of the nafs is Farz (Compulsory).
  7. The goal and destination of the path of Sulook is the pleasure of Allah.
  8. The pleasure of Allah is obtained through following the Shariat.
  9. To take Bay’at is sunnat.
  10. It is compulsory to place oneself into the hands of a (qualified) Sheikh for the rectification of evil deeds.