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Hadrat Abu Hurairah Radiallahu Anhu narrates that Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam is reported to have said, “Excessively recite ‘La Hawla Wala Quwwata Illah Billah’ for verily it is from amongst the treasures of Jannah. Makhool Rahimahullah states that whoever recites,

لاَ حَوْلَ وَلاَ قُوَّةَ اِلاَّ بِااللّٰهِ وَلاَ مَنْجَاَ مِنَ اللّٰه اِلاَّ اِلَيْهِ

Translation:- There is no might (to turn away from the disobedience of Allah except by the protection of Allah) and no power (to obey Allah except with the assistance of Allah), and there is no place of refuge from (the anger and punishment) of Allah except towards (the mercy and happiness) of Allah,

Allah Ta’ala will remove 70 types of harms / difficulties from him, the least of which is poverty. [Tirmidhi – Mirqaat Page.120 Vol.5]

Makhool Rahimahullah was a senior Tabi’ee that resided in Sudan. He was the Mufti of Shaam. He would recite ‘La Hawla Wala Quwwata Illah Billah’ before issuing any Fatwa.

‘La Hawla Wala Quwwata Illah Billah’ is a treasure beneath the throne of Allah Ta’ala. The roof of Jannat is the Arsh (throne) of Allah Ta’ala. By reciting this Kalimah, one is afforded the ability of obeying Allah Ta’ala and refraining from the disobedience of Allah Ta’ala. In this way, it is considered as the treasure of Jannat.

The author of Mazaahir-ul-Haqq writes, that by reciting ‘La Hawla Wala Quwwata Illah Billah’ , one acquires a treasure of good deeds; and this is the treasure that will assist a person in the hereafter. He also writes that Sheikh Abul Hassan Shaazli Rahimahullah stated, that there isn’t any Kalimah that will assist in bringing one closer to Allah Ta’ala and choosing the path of His kindness (than this Kalimah). [Kashkol-e-Ma’rifat of Hadrat Hakim Akhtar Saheb R.A. Pg. 212/213]

It is recorded in Mirqaat on page 121, Volume 5, Abu Hurairah Radiallahu Anhu narrates that Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam is reported to have said, ‘La Hawla Wala Quwwata Illah Billah’ is a cure for 99 ailments, the least of which is grief (whether the grief pertains to Dunya or Aakhirah.) This is an excellent remedy for depression, which a major portion of the world is suffering from.

Many people experienced various issues and acted upon this prescription, and as a result, Allah Ta’ala opened the way for them. One person was working in Madinah Sharif. Just before leaving for the airport, he misplaced his money. He was very concerned as he required his currency to travel. At the same time, he didn’t have time to search for the money as he would have missed his flight. He recited Durood Sharif 100 times and then, ‘La-Hawla Wala Quwwata Illah Billah’ 500 times, followed by 100 times Durood. Before reaching the airport, the money was found in his book.

One person had serious marital issues. His wife, being a professional woman and earning a huge salary, always belittled and disrespected him. Eventually, she stopped talking to him. The son sided with his mother and disrespected his father as well. He was left in a dilemma. He requested the wife to go for counselling with him but she refused saying, “If you wish you may go, but I will not join you.” An Alim then prescribed recitation of Durood Sharif 100 times in the beginning, and then ‘La-Hawla Wala Quwwata Illah Billah’ 500 times, followed by 100 times Durood. The Alim also suggested that this Amal be carried out when in seclusion (when he will not be disturbed) and he should thereafter beg of Allah Ta’ala to resolve his matter. His matter was resolved in a matter of two weeks, and he remains happily married up to this very day.

This Amal also proved beneficial for many people that were suffering from depression. In a short span of time, Allah Ta’ala granted them peace and contentment. It is also effective for giving up sins, which one has become habitual in committing and cannot discard.

These are just a few benefits that we have recorded above to take lessons from. There are numerous incidents where people have tremendously benefitted from the recitation of this Kalimah. It can be recited for any issues or problems that one may be experiencing in life.

However, for any Wazifa to prove beneficial, one should refrain from all types of sin and fulfil all the commandments of Allah Ta’ala (such as the five daily Salaah, fasting in Ramadaan, discharging of Zakaah, if obligatory etc.)

May Allah bless us with the understanding of how great this Kalimah is, and grant us the Taufeeq of deriving maximum benefit from it. Ameen