Following The Sunnah – Bringing Equilibrium

Reading Time: 4 minutes



Equilibrium refers to maintaining a balance by placing everything in its proper place (… For example, of the four directions Allah  Ta’ala has Given Honour to the direction of the Qiblah. For this reason, all good actions, whether they be dhikr,  wudu or dua, should all be done facing the Qiblah. Those actions which are regarded as lowly, such as passing of urine and stool, sexual intercourse, etc. should be done by turning away from the Qiblah.

Thus, by establishing the honour of the Qiblah, one remains in equilibrium. Allah Ta’ala  has Honoured the right hand over the left.

Therefore, keep its honour in mind at all times. For example, read the Quran Sharif, eat food, drink, etc. with the right hand; and lowly work e.g.istinja (purification after passing urine or stool), cleaning one’s nose or placing one’s hand on an impure object should be done with the left hand.

Begin wearing your clothing and shoes from the right. Enter the Masjid with the right foot, and emerge with the left foot. In short, keeping in mind the status of everything is referred to as equilibrium. By this external equilibrium, the heart becomes balanced. If you cannot understand this, then try it out.

You must have already witnessed that those who are in the habit of speaking the truth, have truthful dreams. Those who speak lies, have false dreams. The reason for this is that truthfulness causes equilibrium, steadfastness and rectitude to enter the heart; and through lies the heart becomes warped. Poets are accustomed to speaking lies and futility.

Therefore, their helm become warped. Hence, as far as possible, do not give place to lies and futile thoughts, or else equilibrium will not remain within the heart.

Medication is of two types.

Some medication is such, that its effect and reaction are compatible with reason. For example, since honey is hot, it will cause harm to people of hot temperaments, and it will benefit people of a cold temperament. However, these types of medication are few. Most medication is such, that its effect and reaction are not understood through reason alone; it is a special characteristic peculiar to that medicine which causes healing. The characteristics of everything are known either through ilham (inspiration), or wahl (revelation) or experience e.g. a certain medication  is a laxative, and draws bile from the veins. The specialty of a magnet is that it attracts metal. The effects of these two are known through experience.

In this way, the effects of actions are of two types:

  • There is a clear relationship in some actions and their effects, e.g. fulfilling one’s bestial desires and hankering after worldly pleasures is harmful, because at the time of death one will definitely undergo sorrow, due to having to part from these pleasures. Thus, there is a dear relationship between these pleasures and their harms.

Another example is that of dhikrullah which is beneficial. By means of dhikr, ma’rifah (recognition) is attained. Due to ma’rifah, Love of Allah in created in the heart. The result of Divine Love is that one will have enthusiasm and intense desire for the everlasting pleasures. Thus, when leaving the world, there will be no sorrow. One will depart laughing and happily, desiring to meet his Beloved Allah Ta`ala. Thus, the relationship between dhikrullah and its fruits and effects, is apparent.

There is an unknown relationship in other actions and their effects. Regarding this second type, the characteristics of these can only be learnt via revelation (wahi) and the light of nabuwwat. Most of the injunctions of Shariah are of this type.

When one finds that Rasulullah صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّم has given preference to one permissible action over another, despite having the ability to do both, e.g. it is possible to make istinja with the right hand. If then Rasulullah صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّم used the left hand instead of the right, this is a sign that he did so knowing its intrinsic characteristic. Without doubt there is a special benefit in this, the wisdom of which is beyond the understanding of most people. It is amazing that the characteristics of  medication as explained by disbelievers, is accepted without any reservations. However, the specialties of a actions mentioned by the most virtuous of mankind, Muhammad صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّم through the means of the illumination of  divine revelation, is not believed, and is regarded to be contrary to intellect.

O Muslims! Be convinced that whatever the spiritual doctor does, there is definitely benefit therein, even though its benefit cannot be understood by you.

Man has not been created free like animals. He is the most honorable of creation.

He has been commanded to follow the Divine Law. Therefore, it is appropriate that whatever you do, you should (lo it according to the Sunnah, so that the nafs is made to be obedient and ruled; and you can then imbibe the qualities of angels. Understand that servitude means humbleness. It is thus necessary for a servant that whatever action he does, he should do so with the intention of following Rasulullah and obeying his command. in doing so the effects of servitude will be apparent at all times, and one will attain the reward of being perpetually obedient. Being constrained is such a condition, that if any person has to hand over all his affairs to an animal, it will be better than that of a, person who only follows his desires.

The last-mentioned benefit will be attained by implementation of Shar’i laws, no matter how the command is established, since the actual objective is to be bound in a specific manner. This is attained by following any system and way of life. Thus even though there have been different codes of law sent to different Ambiya this special benefit was found in all. This is contrary to the other benefits, whose wisdoms and specialties are something specific, and they do not change in all the different Shariahs. If you have understood these benefits, the importance of following the Sunnah in all your actions will become evident.