The Chaste Youth
HADHRAT AHMAD BIN Saeed (rahmatullah alayh) narrated the following episode which is a sombre naseehat for those involved in evil:
“In Kufah in our locality there lived an extremely handsome youth. In addition to his physical handsomeness, he was exceptionally pious. He devoted all his time to ibaadat. At all times he was in I’tikaaf in the Jaami’ Musjid. His moral character was impeccable. One day a very beautiful woman set eyes on him while he was on his way to the Musjid. Immediately she was captivated by his handsomeness. She fell madly in love with him. For many days thereafter, this woman did not gain the opportunity of revealing her love to this young Aabid (worshipper).
One day while the youth was on his way to the Musjid, the woman ventured into the road and blocked his path. She said: “Before you proceed listen to me, then do as you please.” The youth did not respond. He brushed past her and continued walking to the Musjid. On his way back from the Musjid, the woman again stood in his path. When the youth neared her, she attempted to say something, but the man spoke: “This is a place of suspicion. I do not want anyone to see me standing here with you. (Rasulullah – sallallahu alayhi wasallam — had said: ‘Stay away from places of suspicion.’) Move out of my way.”
The woman said: ‘By Allah! I am well aware of your status. I also do understand that meeting in this way is a cause for suspicion. Nevertheless, I have to say that my heart and every limb of my body are in love with you. Only Allah Ta’ala will decide this matter between us.”
The youth, without responding, silently left for his home. At home he decided to engage in Nafl Salaat, but his heart was in a state of agitation. He sat down to write a letter to the woman. After he completed the letter, he went outside and saw the woman standing in a trance-like state in the same place where he had left her. He threw the letter in her direction and quickly went into his home.
The woman opened the letter and read:
“O woman! You should understand that when a bandah (slave of Allah) commits an act of transgression, Allah Ta’ala overlooks it. When the slave commits the same crime a second time, Allah Ta’ala again overlooks it. But, when he repeatedly indulges in the same sin, then Allah Ta’ala unleashes His Wrath which makes all creation shudder with fear. Who can bear Allah’s punishment? Who can bear His Displeasure? Present yourself in the Court of Allah Who is the Creator of all the worlds. Submit yourself to This Mighty Being. Cultivate love for Him Alone. He is eternal.”
Many days after she had received this letter, the woman once again stood in the road. The youth seeing her, turned to return to his house, but she called: ‘Do not go back. This is my last meeting. She recited some heart-rending poetry, then said: “Now give me some naseehat (advice).” The youth said: “My only advice for you is – save yourself from your own desires and at all times reflect on the aayat: “It is He (Allah) Who possesses your souls during the night time, and He is well aware of what you commit during the day time. Then He resurrects you during the day, so that the appointed time is completed.” He is aware of the stealthy glances of the eyes and that which the breasts conceal.”
The youth departed. The woman remained standing, shedding tears profusely for a long time. Then she too went away and engrossed herself in ibaadat. After a short while she departed from this worldly realm with her Imaan intact.”
According to the Hadith, on the Day of Qiyaamah, when there will be no shade, but the shade of Allah’s Arsh, chaste and pious young men will be honoured to be in the Shade of Allah’s Throne. Besides Divine Love, all other types of love are artificial. Illicit love for the opposite sex is a great calamity. Only if the limits of the Shariah are observed will one be saved from this calamity. Only taqwa can protect the moral purity and chastity of those who suffer the misfortune of becoming enmeshed in this kind of artificial love.
Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said: “Whoever falls in love and maintains his (or her) moral purity, then dies, verily, he (or she) attains shahaadat (martyrdom).”
For the acquisition of this lofty rank, moral purity and chastity are essential. Moral purity is purity of the eyes, the limbs and even the mind. The grief of this calamity should be borne with Thikrullah and suppression of the inordinate dictates of the carnal nafs.
By Mujlisul Ulama