Women performing Salaah in the Haram
Reading Time: < 1 minute
1. Recently someone said that due to the Imaams of the Haram being followers of Hanbali Madhab, they don’t make an explicit intention for females to follow them in Salaah. So, if a Hanafi lady reads Salaah behind them, will her Salaah be accepted? Or will she have to make Qadha-e-Umri for all the past years Salaah performed behind them, when she went for Umrah?
2. Is it permissible for females to read Janaazah Salaah in the Haram?
If the Imaam doesn’t make a Niyyat for women then the Iqtidaa (following of the women) will not be valid. Now, if the Salaah was invalid according to our Madhab, then Salaah will have to be repeated.
وشروط صحة الإقتداء أربعة عشر شيئا:
نية المقتدي المتابعة مقارنة لتحريمت
ونية الرجل الإمامة شرط لصحة اقتداء النساء به. (نور الايضاح – باب الامامة)
Women should not come to the Haram for Salaah. Yes, they may come to the Haram for Tawaaf in Makkah Sharif or offering Salaam in Madinah Sharif. The Janaazah Salaah is generally performed after the Fardh Salaah and women are encouraged to perform their Fardh in their rooms, hence women wouldn’t generally be present in the Haram when Janaazah Salaah is being performed, hence there is no question of them participating in the Janaazah Salaah. If they participated in the Salaah in the past, it would be valid.