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By Hadhrat Mujaddid Alf-e- Thaani

In his Maktubaat, Hadhrat Mujaddid Alf-e-Thaani, in a letter to one of his Mureeds, wrote:

“The most important issue which I want to inform you of is that today there is almost no one of the men of the Deen (i.e. the Ulama) who strive only to spread the Deen and to strengthen Islam When the desire is to obtain a post (in government) or some high position, then each man of the Deen will demonstrate his superiority (over other Ulama). They will contradict one another and exploit this situation to ingratiate themselves with Alas! Matters of the Deen is assigned secondary importance.
During the tenure of the previous.

Regime, every catastrophe which befell the Muslim nation was caused by these so-called men of the Deen. We are afraid of the disaster of theIt will be difficult for you to find an Aalim who loves his Imaan which is indeed a great blessing. The words and writings of an Aalim whose focus is on the Aakhirat, will bring everyone with wisdom and conscience to the Straight Path. Where on earth can we today find such an Aalim? …….. Deen being demolished.

The happiness of the people is in the hands of the Ulama.. The enemies of the Deen disguised as Men of the Deen (Ulama and Mashaaikh) lead people towards the perdition of Jahannum.. A true Buzrug is the best of people. An Aalim/ Shaikh who makes the Deen a way for gaining fulfilment of his worldly motives and desires,
and who deranges the Imaan of others, is the worst person on earth. The happiness and the ruin of people, their guidance and their deviation are in the hands of the Men of the Deen (Ulama and Mashaaikh). One of our Akaabireen (senior Auliya) saw shaitaan sitting idly. He asked shaitaan for the reason. Shaitaan responded:
“Today the Ulama-e -Soo’ and the Mashaaikh do our job. They do not leave for us any work of misguiding people.”

The love for the dunya cherished by the Ulama is like a black stain on their beautiful faces…. The honour of spreading and strengthening the Deen belongs to
them…………..However, as a matter of fact, the lethargy in fulfilling the commands of the Shariat and the deviation of people from the Deen are the effects of the words and written articles of false ulama. Those Ulama of the Deen who have not allowed their hearts to be seized by the world and who do not hanker after property, rank and fame, are the Men of the Aakhirat. They are the genuine Heirs of the Ambiya (alayhimus salaam). They are those about whom the Hadith says: “The Aalim’s sleep is ibaadat.” They are the ones who understand the infinite blessings of the Aakhirat. They understand the ugliness and the evil of this world, and the eternity of the Aakhirat.

If the Aalim is corrupt, the people will also be corrupt. They will head towards disaster. All the catastrophes which befell Muslims during the reign of Akbar Shah were incurred by evil men of religion disguised as Men of the Deen. It was always these wicked men (the Ulama-e-Soo’) who misguided others in the name of Islam. …

Also today’s men of Tariqat (Tasawwuf) mislead Muslims from Siraatul Mustaqeem. They undermine Imaan and Aqaaid of the younger generations.