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 The Choice

Says Allah, Most High, “And today I have perfected my Deen for you; and bestowed My Ni’mat (Blessing) upon you, and am pleased with Islam as a religion for you.”

The above Seal on the Message of Islam was placed not in some palace of a King, but in the dry, arid Arabian Desert.

Our Islam is a simple religion; free from encumbrances and unnecessary pageantry.  Our Islam is not as much focused upon ostentation and flashiness than upon plainness and simplicity. Our Islam is not complicated in its Message to both its adherents and to mankind at large.

Says Allah: “And it is He who has Created you; than from amongst you are those who choose Kufr and those who choose Imaan.” ALLAH TA`ALA HAS GIVEN US A CHOICE!

The First choice: The Choice of Imaan

Man has a clear choice – either he rejects or accepts Imaan. Allah has aided man in that He has guided him by displaying numerous Signs of His Exalted Existence. The sun, moon, stars, clouds, rain, rivers, roads, mountains, camels, skies, earth, nay – in fact in man himself there are Signs of His existence. “And in yourself; can you not see?”

Man either chooses to turn a blind eye towards the Signs of Allah’s existence or either he wholeheartedly accepts it. He is free; Allah is not going to force him for Allah’s Existence is not dependent on man’s acceptance or rejection. “And Allah is Independent, Worthy of Praise”.

The Second choice: The Choice of Obedience

After accepting the Divine Existence of Allah, Man has a choice to either obey Him or to disobey Him. Allah has Created all of Mankind. HE knows mankind better than what mankind could ever know itself. Says Allah: “It is He who knows you when He created you from the Earth and when you were in the womb of your mothers…”

Allahu Akbar: How clear is Allah not! Allah does not only inform us about the Knowledge He had about our as yet unborn existence, He also informs us about how weak we are.

‘And man has been created weak’

‘And man is ungrateful’

‘And man is oppressive, ignorant’

Islam means submission. Imaan means peace. When man chooses to submit and obey Allah, he will then only find peace. Allah did not leave the Man to his own devices and systems to plot and plan the path of life. The Creator Knows Best.

Thus Allah formulated the System of the Shariah.

This is the Shariah that was perfected over fourteen centuries ago.

This is the Shariah which Allah termed to be a Blessing.

This is the Shariah which Allah says He is Pleased with.

This is the Shariah which is a Nur (Light) from Allah.

This is the Sharaih which the disbelievers are displeased with.

This is the Shariah which they – the disbelievers – wish to extinguish.

This is the Shariah which Allah has promised to Protect though the disbelievers may dislike it.

This is the Shariah which is a fort wherein Muslims seek safety in from the snares of Shaytaan and his armies.

This is the Shariah which guides us in every facet of our lives. Birth, death, marriage, worship, divorces, trade, commerce, crime, poverty, social responsibilities, development of character – the Shariah addresses all our needs. The Shariah is for all of mankind. It is meant for the poor, the rich, the sick, the healthy, the traveler, the elderly, man, women, the king and the populace.

Allah is Ghayoor (SELF-RESPECTING). He does not force or compel anyone to accept His Shariah.

“Shall we compel you whereas you dislike it?”

As we sow, so do we reap. Allah Ta`ala has left the choice with us.
