Capitalize on the Blessings of the Final Few Days and Nights of Ramadan

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Capitalize on the Blessings of the Final Few Days and Nights of Ramadan

In case it has not hit us yet, the final few days and nights of Ramadan have arrived.  As a result, it only makes sense  to capitalize on as many remaining blessings as possible.  This final week is extremely valuable so we should value it as such as we can.  We should not waste this week in chit-chatting with other people.  Those of us that are not in i’tikaaf, should not less this opportunity pass us by and instead go to the masjid and make an intention for nafl i’tikaaf.  Even if it is for half an hour, an hour, or more, we should try to be in the state of i’tikaaf.  As the loaded caravan of the last week of Ramadan is traveling through the days of lives, we should loot as many blessings as we possibly can.  This is such of type of looting that Allah wants us to take advantage of it and normally when looting would be an act that requires a severe punishment, this specific kind is such that Allah is willing to offer innumerable amounts of rewards.  It might be very likely that these final moments might just be one of those moments that Allah is willing to accept from us and become a source for our salvation.

In this last week, that individual who does not ask Allah of Himself or of Himself, then according to me, that person has in reality not asked for anything at all.  Make dua and beg Allah that He, out of His mercy, despite our betrayals, treacheries, violations, sins of the ears, and sins of the eyes, forgives us for everything and anything that leads to His displeasure.  Whether it is through recitation of the Qur’an, zikr, fikr, or any other good deed.  Once we are done asking Allah for whatever we ask for, just include the following phrase in your dua also.  Ask Allah, “O Allah, we ask You for You, and we ask You for the tawfeeq to perform those deeds that allow us to reach You.”

by NKhan