Did You Not Realize That Purity Of Allah Is Proclaimed By All Those In The Heavens And The Earth…?

Reading Time: 2 minutes


Surah 24 – An-Noor – Ayah 41

Did you not realize that purity of Allah is proclaimed by all those in the heavens and the earth, and by the birds with their wings spread out? Everyone knows one’s own (way of) praying (to Allah) and one’s own (way of) proclaiming Allah’s purity. And Allah knows well what they do.


كُلٌّ قَدْ عَلِمَ صَلَاتَهُ وَتَسْبِيحَهُ (Everyone knows one’s own (way of) praying – 41). In the beginning of the verse it is said that every creature on earth and heavens and in between them is busy in the glorification and sanctification of Allah Ta’ala. The meaning of Tasbih is explained by Sufyan (رح) that Allah Ta’ala has created everything in this universe like earth, heavens, sun, moon, stars, water, fire, air or sand with purpose, and they are all performing all the time the task they are assigned. They cannot refuse to perform their assigned job. This obedience and submission to carry out the assigned job is referred here as Tasbih. Hence, their Tasbih is by action and not by words. By their actions they are confirming that they are performing this worship because they believe Allah Ta’ala to be Pure and Almighty.

Zamakhshari and some other commentators have, on the other hand, elaborated that it is not improbable that Allah Ta’ala has placed so much sense and understanding in everything that they do recognize their Creator and Master. And it is also not improbable that He has taught them some sort of speech, and some special Tasbih and worship in which they keep themselves busy. There is an allusion towards this point in the last sentence كُلٌّ قَدْ عَلِمَ صَلَاتَهُ وَتَسْبِيحَهُ (Every one knows one’s own { way of} praying and proclaiming Allah’s purity – 41). It indicates that all creatures are busy in Tasbih and worship of Allah Ta’ala, but the manner of worship of each creature is different. Angels worship in a different manner, humans worship differently, trees and vegetation also worship differently, and the rocks and minerals yet in another manner. Another verse of the Holy Qur’an also confirms this view when it says أَعْطَىٰ كُلَّ شَيْءٍ خَلْقَهُ ثُمَّ هَدَىٰ (He who gave everything its shape, then guidance – 20:50) that is `Allah Ta’ala created everything and then given guidance to them’. The guidance is that everything is obeying Allah and performing its assigned duty diligently. Apart from this, everything has been guided how to fulfill the need of its existence with such perfection that even the best of minds get boggled. How creative and complicated nests and holes they make for their living, and how they strive and work hard to find and collect their food is in itself a great wonder.