Words and Reflections – Part 6- Hazrat Moulana Mohammad Ilyas – رحمه الله

Reading Time: 4 minutes



In this connection Hazrat Maulana رحمه الله further said:

“All workers must be given to understand that in this path, they should never ask Allah for difficulties and hardships. (One should always beg welfare and safety from Allah.) But if Allah sends difficulties in this path, they should consider them to be Allah’s mercy, and a means of the forgiveness of sins and of raising the grades. Difficulties in this path have been the special ‘foods’ of the Prophets, the Siddiqeen and those near to Allah.”


Hazrat Maulana رحمه الله further said:

“While giving da ‘wat, the face of our self should be towards Allah only, and not towards the listeners. In other words, when talking to people, this thought must be present in our minds that we have come out neither for our any personal work and nor by our own will, we have but come out by Allah’s command and for His work; and that only Allah will make the listeners accept our talk. While talking to people if we bear this in mind, Insha-Allah neither shall we get angry at the negative response of the listeners, nor shall we lose our courage.”


Hazrat Maulana رحمه الله further said:

“How wrong it is going on that when people accept our talk, we regard it our success, and when they do not, it is considered as our failure; whereas entertaining such thoughts in this path is entirely wrong. To accept or not to accept is the deed of others, how can we be declared successful or unsuccessful on account of any deed of others? Our success is only this that we do our work [properly). If others do not accept this, it is their own failure. How that we have become unsuccessful because of others’ non-acceptance? People have forgotten this thing. They regard the acceptance of others as their work and their responsibility (which, in fact, is the “concern of Allah), whereas our responsibility is restricted to efforts made to the best of our ability. Not even the Prophets Alaihimus Salaam were reposed in the responsibility of getting the work accepted .”

“Of course from non-acceptance we should take this lesson that perhaps there was something lacking in our effort [inward .md spiritual and/or outward and visible] and we were not able to fulfil the right of communication (i.e., presenting our talk in that way in which it should have been presented), because of which Allah has given us this result. And after this, we must get determined to increase the amount of our efforts and the quantity and quality of du ‘aa and seeking Allah’s help.”


In one sitting Hazrat Maulana رحمه الله said:

“Our common workers, wherever they go, should make effort to visit the righteous ulama and the reformers of that place, but this visit should be with the only intention of deriving spiritual benefit from them. Do not call these people directly to this work. They are well at home in the religious work which they are doing and the advantages of that work are in their experience, therefore, you will not be able to make them properly understand this of your talk. That is, you may not get them to understand with your talks that this work is of greater benefit to deen, and will bring more good than their other religious works. So, these people will not accept your talk; and once they say NO, it will become very difficult to change that NO to YES in future. Add to its adverse effect that the people who have faith in them will also not listen to your talk, it is also possible that you yourself become uncertain [about your talk]. Therefore, the ulama should be visited with the only intention of deriving spiritual benefit. However, extensive struggle should be carried out in the people of their place, and you should make more and more effort on abiding by the principles of this work. By so doing, it is hoped that the reports of the progress of your work will reach them by themselves and will become the caller for them, and will thus catch their attention. Afterwards, if they themselves pay attention towards you and your efforts, then request them for husbanding and taking care of your work; and, paying deep attention to their religious status, put your talk to them.”


Hazrat Maulana رحمه الله further said:

“If it is seen somewhere that the ulama and reformers of that place are not sympathetic to this work, then no place will be given to negative thoughts about them in the heart. Rather, we should take it this way that the complete reality of this work has not opened to them as yet. In addition, it must be understood that since these people are special servants of deen, Satan is a greater enemy to them than he is to us. (It is only the treasure where the thieves come.) Apart from this, another thing which should be taken into consideration here is that when the slaves of worldly concerns cannot give preference to joining this work of deen over their lower and mean worldly businesses, and do not do this work leaving their engagements, how can the possessors of deen easily surrender their noble religious concerns in the name of this work? People who are deeply rooted in knowledge and have a sense of direction, say chat: The veils of Light are much thicker than those of the veils of Darkness.”