Worse Than The Cartoons And The Insults Which The Kuffaar Hurl At Rasulullah (صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّم)
Worse Than The Cartoons And The Insults Which The Kuffaar Hurl At Rasulullah (صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّم )
Publication of the insulting and offensive cartoons is to be entirely expected from the enemies of Islam.
While the insults which the kuffaar hurl at Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) are hurting to every Muslim, there should be no surprise in our ranks when the crusaders engage in invective and vilification.
The Qur’aan Sharif clearly informs of the attitude of enemies such as the godless editors who are spiritually bankrupt and morally decadent. About their hatred for Muslims, the Qur’aan Majeed:
“O People of Imaan! Do not take as bosom friends (confidants) those besides your own people. They leave no stone unturned (to harm you). They desire that which will cause suffering to you. Verily, hatred (for you) has poured from their mouths, but what their breasts conceal is worse. Verily, We have explained the Signs to you, if indeed you have intelligence.” (Surah Ibraheem, Aayat 118)
There is therefore no need for Muslims to express surprise and astonishment when the kuffaar desecrate our holy relics and insult our holy personages with their blasphemous utterances, depictions and caricaturing.
Muslims should understand that their own misdeeds are worse than the cartoons of the enemies.
Worse than the insulting cartoons is the vile appearance of clean shaven faces of Muslim males. Such appearances are more abhorrent than the cartoons. While the kuffaar cartoons cause no hurt to Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam), the razor the Muslim man puts to his face to shave his beard cuts at the heart of Nabi-e-Kareem (sallallahu alayhi wasallam).
Worse than the insulting cartoons are the women of Islam who have abandoned their homes for prowling on the streets like their lewd western counterparts. The wanderings and meanderings in the streets and the markets, in flagrant violation of the Qur’aanic prohibitions pain the heart of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam), not so the insulting cartoons.
Worse than the insulting cartoons is the abandonment of Hijaab by Muslim women and men.
Worse than the insulting cartoons is the emulation of the styles and fashions of the kuffaar and fussaaq. Dressed in the styles of the enemies, the appearance of Muslims is worse than the appearance of the cartoons.
Worse than the insulting cartoons is the wholesale slaughter of the Institution of Salaat by Muslims. Ninety percent of the Ummah have abandoned regular performance of Salaat. This destruction of the central Pillar of Imaan causes the greatest grief oof Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam). The cartoons recede into oblivion in relation to the treacherous neglect of Salaat by the Ummah.
Worse than the insulting cartoons is the Bid’ah in which the Ummah is wallowing.
Worse than the insulting cartoons are the Ulama-e-Soo’ who subvert the Deen; who undermine Islam with their false interpretations for the sake of worldly and nafsaani motives.
Worse than the insulting cartoons are the evil Ulama who practise Kitmaanul Haqq (Concealment of the Truth of the Ahkaam of the Shariah).
Worse than the insulting cartoons is the total abandonment of Amr Bil Ma’roof Nahy Anil Munkar (Commanding righteousness and prohibiting evil) by even those Ulama who are supposed to belong to the Fraternity of Ulamae-Haq.
Worse than the insulting cartoons are the Muslims who enter kuffaar universities for gaining cheap scrap degrees for so-called Islamic studies.
Worse than the insulting cartoons are the droves of Muslim girls and boys attending the immoral secular institutions of western learning where Muslim female modesty and Akhlaaq in general are prostituted.
Worse than the insulting cartoons are the Muslim women in long flowing gowns, and Muslim men with beards and kurtahs frequenting the immoral dens of vice—the casinos.
And Worse than the insulting cartoons are the numerous other acts of flagrant transgression, immorality, treachery, dishonesty, riba, consumption of haraam, etc., etc. perpetrated by both the elite and the masses of this Ummah.
In comparison to the gruesome insult Muslims pile on the Nabi and Islam, the insult of the cartoons is of mediocre standard.
Furthermore, the insult of the cartoons of the kuffaar cause grief to us Muslims, not to Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam). What hurts and grieves Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) every Monday and every Friday evening when the A’maal (deeds) of the Ummah are presented to him for viewing is the wholesale massacre of the Shariah and the defilement of the Ahkaam of Allah Ta’ala committed by this rebellious and treacherous Ummah which claims to stand up to defend the honour of Allah’s Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam).
(1st March 2006)
(By Hazrat Maulana Ahmad Sadeq Desai)