True Love – (Sultaan Mahmood Ghaznawi – Part Five)
Sultaan Mahmood had an advisor by the name of Iyaaz who was extremely dear and beloved to him. Sultaan Mahmood valued his company so much that he would keep Iyaaz at his side at all times.
One day, one of the people in the court of Sultaan Mahmood out of jealousy began to criticize Iyaaz saying, “There is nothing special or excellent about Iyaaz so why is the King so fond of him?” This man’s remark reached the ears of Sultaan Mahmood who was upset over the fact that this person had spoken against his faithful advisor. However, Sultaan Mahmood maintained his composure and did not immediately react. Instead, he resolved to wait for the opportune moment to correct the person and show him the excellence of Iyaaz.
The moment arrived not long after when Sultaan Mahmood was travelling with his retinue. As they were proceeding, a camel laden with invaluable goods slipped and fell, causing all the goods to fall to the ground and scatter. Sultaan Mahmood immediately called out to the men, “Whatever you take of the fallen goods will belong to you.” Saying this, Sultaan Mahmood continued ahead, leaving all his men engaged in grabbing the goods lying about behind him.
While all the men were busy behind him, it was Iyaaz alone who had not paused to take anything. He had, as always, instead chosen to remain at the side of the king. Sultaan Mahmood asked him, “O Iyaaz! Did you also take something for yourself?” Iyaaz calmly replied, “I did not take anything and why should I? After all, I have been blessed with your company and there is no wealth which can ever tempt me to leave you.”
Sultaan Mahmood was overjoyed to hear this response. He turned to those who were jealous of Iyaaz and said, “This is the excellence of Iyaaz! This is why he is so special and beloved to me.” (Jawaahir Paare vol. 2 pg. 120)
1. The lovers of Allah Ta‘ala have this type of relationship with Allah Ta‘ala, since the love of Allah Ta‘ala is a wealth which is so invaluable that if a person has been blessed with this, he will not need to seek any other wealth.
2. The true lovers of Allah Ta‘ala do not allow their gaze to be turned away from Him for anything in the world.