Celebrating ‘Donald Duck Day’

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A Montessori school had a “Happy Donald Duck Day” on 9th June 2022. A Google search shows that 9 June is “National Donald Duck Day”. Another Google search also shows that June is “LGBTQ+ Pride Month”. Donald Duck is a Disney Cartoon Character.

Disney says the following on their Twitter account:

“This Pride Month and beyond, The Walt Disney Company stands with the LGBTQIA+ community and its allies, by proudly supporting storytelling that is inclusive, diverse, and authentic.”

“Today and every day, we are committed to reimagining tomorrow by amplifying LGBTQIA+ stories as well as championing the importance of accurate representation in media and entertainment.”

“Join us in uplifting LGBTQIA+ voices, talent, and content with our new Pride Collection on #DisneyPlus, including incoming titles such as #TrevorTheMusicalOnDisneyPlus and #LoveVictor and additional upcoming activations.”

Dutch Donald Duck to include gay couple after campaign…

What is the status of the “Happy Donald Duck Day” which the Montessori hosted?


Allah Ta’ala has blessed us with a complete and perfect Deen which is to remain with us until the day of Qiyaamah Insha’Allah. Those things that are most beneficial to man have been made Fardh, whilst those aspects that will harm and perhaps cause ruin and destruction to man, have been made Haraam. In conclusion, one’s protection lies in following the pure Deen and, moving away from the teachings of Deen, will result in one’s destruction.

Television was always declared as Haraam by the Ulama-e-Haqq (true scholars of Deen) primarily due to it containing many Haraam and impermissible elements such as music, picture-making, nudity and futility, which yield no benefit in Dunya or Aakhirah. How many individuals who were concerned with reforming their lives and becoming close to Allah Ta’ala have stated that, they have become attracted to either actresses or female newsreaders. As a result, they attain no enjoyment in their Salaah, recitation of Quraan, Zikrullah and other Ibaadah. This is the direct outcome of filth and impurity occupying the heart. It is only when the heart is cleansed from all forms of filth and impurity that Allah Ta’ala will enter the heart and as a result, one will enjoy perpetual bliss and happiness.


However, parents have always considered cartoons to be innocent and free of harm whereas the various forms of entertainment invented by the Kuffar, is to destroy and ruin the Muslim Ummah, whether it is in the various forms of social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, or the various forms of entertainment etc. According to articles on the internet, children that watch cartoons for 3-4 hours a day are prone to violence. In fact, there are three main effects of cartoons (and violent video games) that contribute to violence in children:

1. They become insensitive to other’s pain and sorrows; whereas the Hadith teaches us that the Ummah is like one body. We feel and share the suffering of our Muslim brethren throughout the world.

2. Children do not feel discomfort from any elements of violence around them in real life, whereas Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam is reported to have said, “Allah Ta’ala doesn’t show mercy to those who do not show mercy unto others.”

3. Children are prone to aggressive reactions and violent behavior. Allah Ta’ala is Most Merciful and Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam was sent as a mercy unto mankind. Leave alone aggression and violent behaviour, the master Salallahu Wasallam even made Dua for the oppressors and wrongdoers.

Children who spend more than four hours daily on a screen are more likely to become obese. Watching cartoons affect the academic performance of children. Children that watch television for a period of 30 months are referred to as ‘active viewers.’ They gain the ability to imitate behaviour and events that they come across daily. Hence, we can surely affirm that colourful characters from ‘innocent’ cartoons may turn into role models. Children as young as 8 years-old are likely to form misrepresented ideas about sexual activity which then leads to inappropriate sexual behavior. These are all realities before us which we witness on a daily basis but little do we realize where it all stems from.

Now, they have taken a step further in their Kufr and decided to support and promote the LGBTQ+ movement, hence, the Donald Duck comic is set to feature its first Lesbian couple. A 10 year-old girl named Fenna, appearing on a children’s TV news show in the Netherlands called “Jeugdjournaal”, asked why there were no same-sex attracted characters in the Donald Duck comics. She stated that after checking through all of the sets, she could find no gays or lesbians in Donald Duck. She further states, “Both my parents are gay and lesbian and I think that it is important that is seen as just normal, but in “Duck City”, it is as if they don’t exist at all.” She has two fathers and two mothers. As a result, “Donald Duck” will get its first lesbian character.

By allowing our children to continue watching cartoons is simply destroying their Imaan and future. These children will grow up desensitized towards same-sex marriages and relationships, and will even support it, as expressed by the 10 year-old that appeared on Dutch television, whereas believing that it is permitted and acceptable in the Shariah, is Kufr. The fact that the school celebrated ‘Happy Donald Duck Day’ in the month of June is an indication that the school, too, supports LGBTQ+ and regards it to be permissible, which would result in the organizers losing their Imaan. If this was not the case, then the Muslim organizers wouldn’t have been celebrating the ‘Donald Duck Day’ in the so-called ‘pride month.’

If the day was celebrated out of ignorance, then the organizers should resort to sincere Taubah and rectify the matter immediately and refrain from such practices in the future, otherwise the Muslim parents should remove their children from such an institute as the school is instilling beliefs of sin and Kufr into the hearts of innocent children. It is best that parents in this day and age school their children at home, or at the home of a trustworthy, pious educator that will guide our children to righteousness and piety, instead of directing them towards the fire of Jahannam. May Allah Ta’ala guide us and our families and protect our Imaan at all times. Aameen!


Mufti Mohammed Desai

Date: 19 Dhul Qa’dah 1443 / 20 June 2022