Hajj & Umrah Advices
Reading Time: 6 minutes
The following are some advices that were given to some of the students going for Haj by:
Hadhrat Mufti Ibraaheem Salehjee (db), Hadhrat Moulana Ilyaas Patel Saahib (db) and other Asaatidhah of Madrasah Ta’aleemuddeen.
Purpose and Intention
When embarking on such a trip make the following intentions:
- Solely for the pleasure of Allah Ta’ala.
- To visit the mubaarak Raudha, grave of Rasulullah j.
- To change your life and the lives of your beloved ones.
General Advice
- Take along couple of suitcases of Sabar (patience).
- Leave behind (i.e. at home) three things:
II. Expectations & comfort.
III. Excitement and panic.
- Always maintain a smiling face.
- Restrain your anger. Do not quarrel or fight with anyone, though it may be their fault.
- Do not engage in gheebah at all. This will nullify the reward of all your efforts.
- As far as possible, avoid the company of people you know without hurting their feelings.
- Remain in the state of wudhu at all times in Makkah and Madinah.
- Daily give sadaqah even if it is only one riyaal a day.
- Ensure that you perform all your Nafil and Sunnah Salaah in these holy lands. Be regular with Chaast, Ishraaq, Awwaabeen and also the sunnats and Nafil Salaah before and after the Faraaidh.
- Enquire about the times and venues of the majaalis of the Akaabir. Sit in their gatherings even if you have to leave out your other nafil Ibaadat at that time.
- Do not take any pictures of the Ka’bah shareef or Green Dome on your cell phone. It may amount to disrespect. There are many pictures available.
- Speak with respect to the police. Remember: “they are always right.”
- Do not speak anything against these places or their inhabitants.
- Wish well for everyone and have a good opinion about everyone.
- At all times try and make this dua in your heart, “O Allah ! Protect me, correct me and guide me”.
- Make khidmah of your companions, relatives and other Hajis as much as possible, even though it may disrupt your nafil ibaadah.
- Instead of drinking cool drink, drink as much Zam Zam as possible.
- Do not waste too much time in shopping. Remember the worst of places is the bazaar.
- Instead of bringing back presents for your family and friends, bring back the fear of Allah Ta’ala from Makkah and the sunnah of Nabi b from Madinah.
- Read Fazaail-e-Haj thoroughly before going as well as when you are there. This is necessary for spiritual preparation.
- Draw up a daily programme for yourself i.e. how many paras tilaawat, zikr, munajaat e maqbul, nafl salaah etc. you will be reciting daily.
- On the flight engage in zikr, tilaawat, or reading of some authentic Islamic book. Do not even attempt to read the “in flight magazine.”
- Prepare a list of duas as well as a list of people for whom you will make dua for in the Haram and other sanctified places (Do not forget to include me in your duas).
- Recite “Sayyidul Istigfaar” at least thrice after every salaah.
- Before returning home from the holy lands, make lots of taubah and istigfaar. Do not ever boast about your Haj and Umrah to anyone.
- Buy the Azaan cassettes of Makkah Shareef and Madina Shareef as well as the qiraat of the Imaams of the Haramain as a remembrance of these places.
Makkah Mukarramah
- Keep in mind the sanctity of the place. All the Ambiyaa, Sahaabah, Tabieen and Auliyaa frequented this place.
- Protect your eyes from Haraam. Whatever spirituality you attain could be lost through sinful gazes.
- Do not offend anyone in the Haram. There are always approximately 360 Auliyaa in the Haram at all times. It must not happen that the person you offend is a Wali of Allah Ta’ala.
- Make as many Tawaaf as possible for everyone. In his old age, Hadhrat Mufti Mahmood Hasan Saheb (RA) used to make upto 50 tawaaf in one day. Excessive tawaaf in Makkah is better than nafl Umras.
- Try and stay in the Haram from Asr to Esha daily or at the least from Maghrib to Esha.
- Do not fear heat or crowd to make tawaaf. Anytime is a good time. Make tawaaf at midday. The crowd is at its least at this time. Try to make at least five tawaaf a day but try for ten.
- Most of our Akaabir/Ulama sit behind the hateem area.
- Make tawaaf on behalf of all your beloved ones, Marhoomeen, etc.
- Do not make tawaaf downstairs in the last 2/3 days before Haj.
- Make at least one khatam of Qur’aan in Makkah. You will receive the reward of 100 000 khatams.
- Remember all those who did some ihsaan (good) to you and make dua for them.
- Make dua for ilm e nubuwat and noor e nubuwat.
- Make dua that Allah Ta’ala blesses you and your children with 5 things. Ilm, Amal, Izzat, Aafiyat, Iffat (purity).
- Make dua first for Aakhirat then for your worldly needs.
- The Hajr-e-Aswad has a sealing effect. It seals on you whatever frame of mind you are in. If you are determined to change your life, it will seal that on you and if you are bent on remaining on your old ways then you will return home worse than the day you left.
Madinah Munawarrah
- When visiting the Raudha Mubaarak, keep in mind the Hadith: “Whosoever visits my Qabr, my intercession becomes binding upon him.”
- Take ghusl, wear your best clothes and apply Itr before going to make salaam at the Raudha Mubaarak.
- Recite 1000 time Surah Kausar before coming into Madinah Shareef.
- Give Sadqa before going to the Raudha Mubaarak.
- Go to the Raudha Mubaarak at least twice a day to convey salaams. Thereafter after every salaah from wherever you are in the Haram, convey Salaams to Rasulullah b.
- After entering the Musjidun Nabawi b, read 2 rakaats tahiyyatul Masjid, then make lots of Istigfaar and dua, thereafter proceed to confer salaam upon our Master, Sayyidinah Rasulullah b. It is better to read a short salaam that you know rather than reading from a book or card etc.
- Recite “… ان الله وملائكته يصلون علي النبي” once then read 70 times الصلوة والسلام عليك يارسول الله thereafter seek intercession in these words:
يارسول الله اسئلك الشفاعة واتوسل بك الى الله في ان اموت مسلما على ملتك وسنتك
- Thereafter convey the salaams of anyone who requested you to do so in these words:
السلام عليك يارسول الله من جميع من اوصاني بالسلام عليك.
- Read the section on Madinah Munawwarah in Nurul Iydaah . Compulsorily read the section on Madinah in Fazaail e Haj.
- Recite 1000 times durood shareef daily.
- Recite 40 durood and Salaam daily. (Take a pocket size one and keep it with you at all times. Every free moment you get, take it out and recite it).
- Do not engage in any conversations in Musjid e Nabawi b. Feel the presence of Rasulullah b.
- Read two rakaats shukar Salaah every so often and thank Allah Ta’ala for bringing you to this mubaarak place. The more we make shukar the more we will be blessed with visiting these mubaarak places.
- Make the dua of Hadhrat Umar D: “O Allah grant me Martyrdom in Your path and allow my death to take place in the city of Rasulullah b.”
- In Madinah make ta’leem of Fazaail e Haj, (section on Madinah).
- Always try and be in the first Saff for every salaah.
- Try and visit Uhud on a Thursday as this is Mustahab. Recite Aayatul Kursi once, Surah Takaasur once and Surah Ikhlaas 11 times and then recite Surah Yaseen and convey the rewards to the martyrs of Uhud.
- Visit Musjid e Quba on a Saturday, as this is sunnat. It is also sunnah to walk and go. It is advisable to leave immediately after Fajar Salaah (+ 25 minutes walk).
- Visit Musjid e Fatah on a Wednesday after Zuhr Salaah. It is the experience of our elders that whatever duas are made here after Zuhr on a Wednesday is definitely accepted.
- Take Sadaqah and Zakaat monies to distribute to the poor in Madinah. Most of the cleaners in and out of the Haram are extremely needy. Spend liberally on them.
- Make at least one khatam of the Qur’aan in Madinah. You will receive the reward of 50 000 khatams.
- Try and visit Jannatul Baqee every so often, (a good time is after Ishraaq Salaah) and make dua that Allah Ta’ala reserves a place for you in Baqee.
Travel Tips
- Travel as light as possible.
- Have a shawl with you at all times.
- Practice wearing your Ihraam at home before you leave for Umrah.
- Do a practice run of your Umrah / Ziyaarat by some learned Aalim before leaving home.
- Buy sim card for cell phone. (Mobily (name of company like MTN) is a good network to use. Rates are cheap and it has good network coverage in Makkah and Madinah.
- Carry one set of clothing in your hand luggage. Will come in handy in the event of luggage getting lost.
- Check if toilet and bed in your hotel room is facing qiblah or not. Many a times the toilets and beds do face the qiblah. Be careful in this regard.
- Carry a shoe bag to the Haram.
- Carry an empty 500ml water bottle in your shoe bag. You can fill it up with zam zam every time you go to the Haram to drink in your room.
- Take a small shoulder bag for the 5 days of Haj.
- Carry small pebble bag/packet for stones to pick up at Muzdalifa for Rami at Jamaraat. (70 pebbles in total per person)
- Take sufficient amount of pad-kos only. Do not take extra, because it gets wasted.
- Carry Hizbul A’zam / Munajaat Maqbul and 40 durood and salaam to recite daily. (Preferably pocket size).
- Wear comfortable shoes as there is lot of walking to do. Diabetics must take special care.
Things to Take along
- Clothes
- Towels
- Shoe bag for haram
- Tawaaf tasbeeh
- Ihraam
- Pocket size umrah guide
- Ihram belt or moon bag
- Vest with pockets for money
- Waist coat with a lot of pockets
- Wazeefah kitaabs – Punjsurah
- Cosmetic bag with nail clipper, soap, tooth brush, tooth paste etc.
- Non-perishable foods. Chips, biscuits, rusks etc.
- Pen, diary, pocket note book (very important)
- Shawl
- Miswaak
- Pad Kos – not too much
- Basic medication – Panado, asthma pump etc.
- Mozaas
- Small pocket / utility knife