Sheikh Abul Qaasim Junaid (rahmatullah alayh) was sitting in the Musjid. He saw a healthy faqeer begging from people. He said to himself: “It would be better for him if he worked and earned his living instead of asking from others.”
When Sheikh Junaid returned to his home, he found himself extremely agitated. He had no rest in his heart. With difficulty did he engage in ibaadat. He fell asleep in this state of turmoil. He dreamt that the body of that faqeer was placed in front of him and he was ordered to eat it. “You have made gheebat of him,” said someone. I said: “I did not make gheebat of him. However, I said something about him to myself.” It was said to me: “You are not amongst those who indulge in such contemptible things. Go and ask the faqeer to forgive you.”
In the morning Hadhrat Junaid set out in search of the faqeer. He saw the faqeer picking some vegetable leaves from water in which people had washed their vegetables. After Hadhrat Junaid greeted, the faqeer said: “O Abul Qaasim! Will you search for the faults of the servants of Allah? May Allah forgive you and me.”