The Sahaabi رضى الله عنه who was admitted into Jannah without performing a single Salaah.

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‘Amr bin Saabit who was commonly known by his title Usayrim رضى الله عنه always remained aloof from Islam. He was initially indisposed to embracing Islam. On the day of Uhud, Islam penetrated his heart and clutching a sword in his hand, he strode onto the battlefield and valiantly fought the disbelievers until he fell down wounded.
When the people discovered that it was Usayrim, they were stunned and asked: “O‘Amr! What prompted you of all people to engage in this battle? Were you prompted by an earnest desire for Islam or was it due to fanatical patriotism and nationalistic zeal?”

Usayrim replied:
بل رغبة فى الاسلام فآمنت باالله ورسوله فاسلمت واخذت سيفوقاتلت مع رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم حتى اصابنى ما اصابنى
“In fact my participation in this battle was prompted solely by my earnest desire for Islam. So I embraced Islam and put my faith in Allah and His Rasool and clutching
a sword I fought on the side of Rasulullah  until I was afflicted with these wounds.”
He barely finished uttering these words when he left this world.
انه لمن اهل الجنة
“Surely he is amongst the inhabitants of Jannah.”

Abu Hurayrah رضى الله عنه would often ask: “Tell me, who was admitted into Jannah without performing a single Salaah?” It was none other than this Sahaabi رضى الله عنه