Hadhrat Safiyyah’s رضي الله عنها Lineage and Her dream

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Hadhrat Safiyyah’s رضي الله عنها   was the daughter of Huyay bin Akhtub, the leader of the Banu Nadheer, who were the descendants of Hadhrat Haroon عليه السلام

In Muharram, 7 A.H., on the occasion of the battle of Khaibar, she was also brought as a captive. Nabi  had chosen her for himself and at that moment she accepted Islam. Nabi  set her free and married
her. Her freedom was fixed as her mahr (dowry).
During the first night of marriage that was spent on the way back from Khaibar (at a place called Sahba), Nabi  noticed some bruise marks on her face.

On enquiry she replied, “I was sleeping with my head resting in the lap of my former husband Kinaanah bin Abil Huqaiq when in a dream I saw the moon falling into my lap. After waking up, I related
the dream to my husband. Upon hearing the dream, he slapped me across my face and said, ‘You are desiring the king of Yathrib (referring to Nabi ).’” (Mirqaat, Vol 6, Pg 251/252)


Malfoozaat of Faqeeh-ul-Ummat