The Definition of Taqdeer – Malfoozaat of Faqeeh-ul-Ummat Rahmatullah Alaih

Reading Time: 2 minutes


Taqdeer in actual fact is the knowledge of Allah. In other words, whatever Allah Ta`ala had planned before bringing the creation into existence; that a certain thing will be created at a certain time, it will remain alive for so many years and it will have such and such effects.

This planning is called taqdeer. Thereafter whatever transpires in accordance with taqdeer is called qadhaa. The example of this is that of an architect who draws a plan of the house before building.
According to the plan, the house is built. The only difference between the two is that there is a possibility of a mistake occurring in the plan of the architect and upon realising it; work is sometimes done contrary to the plan. This is contrary to the knowledge of Allah, in which there is no chance of any mistake occurring.

Taqdeer (Pre-destination) cannot be understood

Someone enquired, “Hadhrat! If a person says that he will not believe in taqdeer unless it is fully explained to him and he is satisfied with the explanation then how should it be explained to

Hadhrat replied, “What answer will you give to a person who says that he will not bring imaan unless he lifts up an object two hundred kilos in weight? Or what answer will you give to someone who says that I will not become a Muslim unless ten kilos of food enters my stomach?”

The questioner replied, “Hadhrat! These things are impracticable.
How can it be an answer to that person?”

Hadhrat then said, “The belief of taqdeer is beyond comprehension.
It is sheer foolishness to suspend imaan on being able to comprehend taqdeer. Like how strength is limited and only a certain weight, not more than that, can be lifted. Vision is also restricted and one is ablemto see to only a certain distance and not beyond that. Human appetite is also limited and one is able to eat to a certain extent and beyond that his stomach will not be able to take anything. Similarly, human intelligence has limitations. The intelligence may be used to a certain limit and not beyond that. Some things can be understood and some things are such that intelligence cannot grasp.

The issue of taqdeer is from those things that are beyond human comprehension.