The Things that came down with Aadam Alyhis Sallam from Jannah

Reading Time: 3 minutes


Allah Ta`ala admitted Aadam and Hawwa Alyhis Sallam into Jannah and commanded them:

(And both of you eat freely from wherever you wish, but do not come close to this tree, otherwise both of you would be of the wrongdoers.) [2: 35].

However, Aadam Alyhis Sallam had come to the tree and partook of its fruit.

The fibres of the fruit got stuck in his teeth and he broke a branch of a tree to use as a toothpick. The clothing that he was wearing which covered his body, as fingernails cover the fingertips, fell off his body. As soon as it fell off, his modesty and shame overcame him. Whichever tree he approached to break its leaves, moved away. It was the fig tree that offered its leaves. Aadam Alyhis Sallam took its leaves and covered his body. The jewellery of Jannah that Aadam Alyhis Sallam was wearing also fell off his body except for a ring that he had placed in his mouth. After Shaitaan had caused him to err, he rested against a boulder.
When Aadam Alyhis Sallam was sent to earth, the leaves on his body, the boulder that he rested against and the branch that he broke to use as a toothpick came along as well. All the trees of Jannah cried when Aadam  had erred except for the `oud tree. Hence, the `oud tree was also sent to earth.

On coming to earth the fig leaves dried up with the wind and fell off their bodies. A deer ate the leaves that fell off Aadam’s Alyhis Sallam body and a worm ate the leaves that fell off Hawwa’s Alyhis Sallam body. The leaves eaten by the deer turned into musk and the leaves eaten by the worm turned into silk. Therefore only men are allowed to wear perfumes that emit a beautiful fragrance and not women (i.e. when leaving the home). Similarly only women are allowed to wear silken clothing and not men.
When they became naked an angel brought wool that was removed from a sheep being reared in Jannah. The angel came to Hawwa  Alyhis Sallam and said, “Prepare a set of clothing for yourself and one for Aadam Alyhis Sallam.”

Hawwa Alyhis Sallam said, “I have been given a double duty. I have to prepare clothing for myself and for Aadam Alyhis Sallam.” Therefore, it is a necessary duty of the wife to serve her husband.

The angel then ordered Aadam Alyhis Sallam to earn a living for himself and Hawwa Alyhis Sallam and he showed him the different methods of earning. Aadam Alyhis Sallam said, “I have to earn for two, myself and Hawwan (Alyhis Sallam).” So the expenditure of the wife is the responsibility of the husband.
Therefore, the son’s share is double the daughter’s share in inheritance, as mentioned in the Qur’aan:

(For the son is double the share of the daughter.) [4:11].

The `oud tree was given the punishment of being burnt and the smoke that it emits has a beautiful scent. This is its only usage.
The ring that Aadam Alyhis Sallam kept in his mouth became the ring of Sulaiman Alyhis Sallam.
The branch that he had broken to use as a toothpick became the staff of Moosa Alyhis Sallam through which three thousand miracles were exposed.
The boulder against which he rested became the Hajjr-e-Aswad (black stone) towards which one makes istilaam at the time of tawaaf of the Ka`bah, as a result of which one’s sins are forgiven. In the beginning, it was extremely white and shiny. The entire area that its radiance reached is known as the haram.

Malfoozaat of Faqeeh-ul-Ummat