Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said:
• The pleasure of Rabb is in the pleasure of your father, and the anger of Rabb is in the anger of your father.
• Your father is the centre door of Jannat (for his children).
Therefore, if you wish, destroy that door or guard it.
• Verily, among the noblest acts of piety is that a man shows kindness to the family of his father’s friends after his death.
Three Duas are mustajaab (assured of acceptance). There is no doubt in this.
The Dua of your father;
the Dua of the Musaafir
the Dua of the Mazloom (oppressed).
According to the Hadith, a glance of affection at the faces of parents earns for the child the thawaab of one Hajj. If he/she casts ten such gazes, the thawaab of ten Hajj is received. Now reflect and examine your relationship with your parents.