In this specific writing, we will talk about the first attempt made to steal the Holy Body of Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) from the Green Dome in Madinah. However ALLAH Almighty arranged a great defeat for all such morons.
Historians have reported three attempts made by the Non-Believers to steal the Holy Body of Prophet Muhamad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam).
Nur ad-Din Mahmud Zangi (Rahmatullahi Alayh)’s Dream
Some Christians planned to steal the body of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W in 557AH. It was the time of a very pious Muslim ruler Nur ad-Din Mahmud Zangi. The commander of his soldiers was Asad ad-Din Shirkuh the uncle of Great Salah ud Din, the one who conquered Jerusalem.
One night Nur ad-Din Mahmud Zangi was blessed with a dream and he saw Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam). The Holy Prophet pointed at two people of red color hair (at their heads) and Said, “Mahmud, Save Me from them” .
Al Zangi (may Allah Bless him) woke, offered prayer and slept. He saw the same dream again. He got up from the bed again, offered prayer and tried to sleep and saw the same dream for the third time . He then called his advisor Shaikh Jamal ud Din, and discussed the matter with him.
He Left for Madinah Immediately
Shaikh advised him to go to Madina immediately and asked him to not to relate the dream to anyone else. Nur ud Din Mahmud Zangi took his advisor with him and a Historian Majd al Din. The caravan comprised thousands of camels carrying expensive gifts on them.
Mahmud Zangi reached Madinah from Syria in sixteen days. He directly went to Masjid al Nabawi where he offered prayers.
He Arranged a Feast for Everyone
With the consultation of his advisor, he summoned all the people of Madinah in order to present them with alms. Nur ud Din Zangi looked carefully at each of the visitors but could not see those he saw in a dream. He inquired if all the residents have received the alms.
The people replied in Yes. He asked them again and some people told him that there are two pious people who don’t accept any alms. They feed the needy people generously, observe fast on regular basis, perform tahajjud and offer salah day and night and once a week they visit Masjid al Nabawi.
He Recognized them Immediately
Nur ud Din ordered the two to be presented to him. They were exactly the two people he saw in the dream. He recognized them immediately and asked them why they are here.
They replied that they are Moroccans, came for hajj and wish to stay in Madina as neighbors of the Holy Prophet.
Nur ud din Zanki insisted them, to tell the truth, but they kept quiet.
There was a Tunnel directing to Prophet’s Sacred Chamber
He asked about their residence and went there. He inspected their residence near the sacred chamber and when an old rug was lifted, a wooden board was found and under that a newly dug tunnel.
The tunnel was approaching the Sacred Chamber. They got terrified and confessed that they are Christians and the king of Iberia sent them with a huge sum of money to steal the body of Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam).
They rented the house nearest to the Holy Chamber and used to dig the tunnel in the night and throw out the soil in the day.
He Ordered the Execution of Both
They also told that when they got near to the sacred chamber an earthquake shook the earth and a fearful thunder was observed. Nur ud Din Mahmud Zanki ordered the immediate execution of the culprits and thanked Allah who blessed him with the honor of saving the sacred chamber.
Arrangements made to protect the Holy Body of Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam):
After this attempt, Nur ud Din Zangi (Rahmatullahi Alayh) ordered a deep trench to be dug around the Holy Chamber and then filled it with melt lead so that nobody could ever reach the sacred chamber again.
The love for Prophet Mohammed (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) has always been a trademark of Muslims. This is the reason that non-believers of all the times targeted the Personality of Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) directly.
They tried to shake the belief of people on Him (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) and when they failed, they tried to cause harm to the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam).
In this specific writing, we will talk about the second attempt made to steal the Holy Body of The Prophet Mohammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) from the Green Dome in Madina. However ALLAH Almighty arranged a great defeat for all such morons.
Famous historian, poet, and geographer Ibn Zubayr explain the Second attempt. He says that he was in Egypt in 578 AH and he left Alexandria on the 8th day of Dhul Hijjah. He saw a big crowd coming out of homes to see the Roman prisoners.
These Roman Christians were brought in a humiliating way; they were tied with the camels with their faces facing the tails of camels. Ibn Zubayr was told about the activities of those prisoners in detail. The Syrian Christians built some boats and equipped them with weapons for war.
They headed to the sea and in their way, they looted many caravans of pilgrims and burnt many of their boats. They looted the trade caravans as well. They killed everyone they found in their way.
Haji Luhluh Destroyed them
They boldly announced that they are going to Madinah to steal The Holy Body of The Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam).
When they were at a traveling distance of one day, Haji Luhluh attacked them with a few Moroccan young people who were experts in the sea war. They killed some of the Christians and arrested the others.
They sent some prisoners to other places so the people can see them how they are being put to the sword. Some of them were also sent to the Holy cities of Makkah and Madinah.
Imam Muhammad ibn Jarir Al-Tabari describes the Third attempt. He says that Shams ad-Din Sawawab Lamti was the head of the people who served the mosque of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam). One of the friends of Sawab was known to the ruler of Madinah.
Some people from Halab bribed the ruler: One day his friend told Shams ad-din Sawawab that some people from Halab (Syria) have bribed the ruler and have demanded the Holy Bodies of Abu Bakr (May Allah be pleased with him) and ‘Umar (May Allah be pleased with him) the ruler of Madinah has agreed with them.
Soon after this news, the ruler called for Shams ad-Din and told him that some people will come at night and he has to open the door for them and let them do whatever they want to. Shams ad-din got worried.
Someone knocked on the door: After the doors were closed after ‘Isha prayer, someone knocked on the door, Baab al-Salaam.
Ruler’s house was in front of this door. Shams ad-din opened the door and 40 people carrying torches and equipped with equipment for demolishing buildings entered and headed towards the sacred chamber. The earth split suddenly and all of them were buried there with their equipment.
There was no sign of their presence on the ground. After some time, the ruler called him and asked if the people have arrived. He told the ruler the whole happening.
The ruler was astonished and demanded Shams ad-Din to not to tell the incident to anyone else. This incident is also reported by Abu Mohammad Abdullah Marghani.
Muslim world in a great panic as some unbelievable and terrifying news was being heard. It was reported that few people were of the view to remove the Holy Bodies from the Sacred Chamber and demolish the Sacred Green Dome.
But Allah wanted to keep the Holy Bodies safe and they are safe till today and will remain safe until the Day of Judgment.