The Aadaab Of Duaa
If, despite your humble supplication, there is a delay in the materialisation of your duaa, do not despair of the acceptance of your duaa because Allah Ta’ala has undertaken to answer your call in something which He considers beneficial for you, not in something which you desire for yourself, and He grants when He wishes, not when you desire.
Many people contend that inspite of making abundant duaa, their prayers are not answered. Some who have inculcated in themselves a degree of piety usually say that their duaas are not accepted because of their sins. They believe sin to be an impediment to the acceptance of duaa. (Although sin is an obstacle for acceptance of duaa, it does not mean that a person’s perception of his duaa’s non-acceptance is due to sins. There is a difference between non-fulfilment and non-acceptance. While a duaa is accepted, its method of fulfilment and its time of fulfilment are by Allah’s choice – Translator.) Some Thaakireen too, are trapped in this waswasah (shaitaani thought). They feel that inspite of years of Mujaahadah and Thikr, their spiritual condition remains unchanged. They sincerely supplicate, but see no change in their moral or spiritual state. This attitude produces in them despair. The Shaikh (Rahmatullah Alayh) answers these misgivings by saying that if the duaa does not materialize inspite of sincere and humble supplication, it should not be interpreted as rejection by Allah Ta’ala.
Although Allah Ta’ala has promised to accept duaa, He has not promised to grant whatever is supplicated for. Our knowledge and intelligence are not adequate to always comprehend what is beneficial and harmful for us. Sometimes the object requested is not for our good. Allah Ta’ala is Most Merciful to us. He knows our needs more than what we do. He withholds the object we are supplicating for in view of it being harmful, in the same way as a wise and loving parent withholds a harmful object which the child obstinately cries for. Instead, something better and beneficial will be given. It will, therefore, not be proper to claim that the parent has rejected the request of the child.
The meaning of the Divine Promise of accepting duaa is that Allah Ta’ala will grant duaas and fulfil supplications according to His Wisdom and Choice. Sometimes the object requested is awarded and sometimes withheld. But, in lieu something better will be awarded either in this world or in the Aakhirah or some earthly disaster is averted in lieu. Also, sometimes the very object supplicated for is given, but at some time in the future. The reason for delaying fulfilment of the duaa is that in the Divine Wisdom the immediate awarding of the object requested is fraught with either Deeni or worldly harm.
The bandah should, therefore, refrain from employing his intelligence in issues which Allah Ta’ala decides. He should be constant in his supplication and not despair of acceptance.
Ikmaalush Shiyam