The Invitation of One Involved In Interest

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A person involved in interest dealings, extended an invitation to Hadhrat Saharanpuri رحمة الله عليه . Since Hadhrat Saharanpuri رحمة الله عليه was unaware of his business transactions, he accepted the invitation. An invitation was also extended to Hadhrat Shaikh رحمة الله عليه , but he declined the offer, as he knew of this person’s dealings. The inviter then requested Hadhrat Saharanpuri رحمة الله عليه to intercede on his behalf. Hadhrat Saharanpuri رحمة الله عليه told Hadhrat Shaikh, “Molwi Zakariyya! You will also have to come with us to the invitation.”

Obeying the command of Hadhrat رحمة الله عليه , Hadhrat Shaikh رحمة الله عليه accepted the invitation. Not only did he attend the invitation, but he even ate the food served. However, when he returned home, he inserted his finger into his throat and vomited everything out. When his family members asked him the reason for doing this, he replied,
“I was caught up in this dilemma; if I went, I will be eating haraam food and if I don’t go then Hadhrat ( رحمة الله عليه ) will ask me the reason for refusing the invitation. I will have to then expose the fault of a Muslim. Hence, I accepted the invitation and ate the food, so that he may not be disgraced in front of my Hadhrat رحمة الله عليه , but I also vomited out everything in order that I be saved from its harmful effects.”

Later, Hadhrat Saharanpuri رحمة الله عليه fell ill. When asked the reason for this, Hadhrat Shaikh رحمة الله عليه replied, “Brother, because I vomited out the haraam food, Allah Ta`ala saved me from its ill effects. But my Hadhrat رحمة الله عليه fell ill because of it.”

Malfoozaat of Faqeeh-ul-Ummat