Frequently, Subtle And Obscure Riyaa (Show) Enters From An Avenue Which Others Cannot Perceive.
Riyaa (show, ostentation) is to render an act of Ibaadat or some other virtuous deed with the motive of creating an impression on others so that they consider one a pious and saintly person.
If a person commences an act of worship, e.g. Namaaz, in the presence of people or in the absence of people who later arrive, and solely to create the impression of piety, the person adorns his Namaaz, discharging it beautifully, then this type of show will belong to the overt kind of riyaa (riyaa zaahiri). Everyone understands this type of riyaa.
Sometimes a person renders an act in privacy, no one being present to see him. Notwithstanding this privacy, riyaa then too enters his heart. This kind of riyaa is extremely subtle. The sign of this riyaa is man’s desire to be honoured when he meets others; that he be appointed to a position of prominence and leadership and that others serve him. When he is honoured, he becomes elated. When such honour is not forthcoming from the people, he is stung with surprise. This attitude indicates that this person’s efforts and deeds are motivated by the desire for name and fame, and to gain service from people.
Your desire that people learn of your deeds and your baatini (spiritual) states, is proof of the lack of truth in your worship.
Truth in Uboodiyat (the state of worship) is the diversion of the gaze from all things besides Allah. The attention of the bandah should turn solely to Allah Ta’ala. If the bandah possess this attribute, he will be true.
If he desires people to become informed of his pious acts and his special spiritual conditions, and he adopts various methods for publicising these, he should know that he is not true. This very desire is proof for his insincerity.
Ikmaalush Shiyam