Abdullah Ibn Masood (Radhiy-allahu anhu) Naseehat
Hadhrat Abdullah Ibn Masood (Radhiy-allahu anhu) said in one of his Khutbahs:
“The most beautifulway is the Sunnah of Muhammad (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam).
The noblest talk is Thikrullah.
The best acts are those which have been made incumbent.
The most beautiful guidance is the guidance of the Ambiya.
The noblest death is the death of the Shuhada (Martyrs).
The worst of deviation is deviation after (having attained) guidance.
The best guidance is that which is followed.
The worst blindness is the blindness of the heart.
The little which suffices is better than the abundance which diverts (the mind from Allah Ta’ala)….
The worst of excuses is at the time of Maut.
The worst of regrets ismthe regret on the Day of Qiyaamah.
The best inspiration in the heart is Yaqeen.
Doubt is from kufr….
Poetry is from the musical instruments of Iblees.
Liquor is a conglomeration of sin.
Women are the traps of shaitaan.
Youth is a branch from insanity.
The vilest earning is riba.
The worst food is the food (frauded) from orphans.
A fortunate one is he who derives lesson from others.
An evil person is he who was decreed evil in the stomach of his mother.”
Source: Majlis VOL 25 NO 04