“Allah Ta’ala draws or Attracts towards Himself Whomsoever He wills. And He Guides towards Himself one Who inclines towards Him”
“Allah Ta’ala draws or attracts towards Himself whomsoever He wills. And He guides towards Himself one who inclines towards Him”
(Surah 42: Ash Shura: part of verse 13)
These are the two ways outlined by Allah Ta’ala in his Book, the Holy Qur’an, to reach Him. Allamah Aaloosi Sayyid Mahmood Baghdadi (Rahmatullah Alaihi) states regarding this Ayah, “The Messenger of Allah Ta’ala (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) was very sad over the Kuffar (unbelievers) of Makkah for not accepting the message and adopting Imaan (faith). (As many Quresh (a tribe of Makkah) blatantly rejected Islam, Allah Ta’ala revealed the above verse).”
Allamah Sayyid Mahmood Baghdadi (Rahmatullah Alaihi) writes:
“The verse was revealed in order to placate the Messenger (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam). Allah Ta’ala revealed it to remove the sorrow of the beloved Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) and to console him.”
In fact, it said, “O Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), do not be grieved because of the Kuffar (unbelievers) who have not adopted Imaan. There are, indeed, only two ways by which one can find My Guidance. Either I attract them towards Myself, or they express their love for Me and search for the Truth. These people are lacking both.
Neither have I attracted them, nor are they attentive towards your invitation and therefore have deprived themselves of both the avenues that leads to becoming Mine. Apart from these, no other means of gaining My proximity or becoming Mine exist.”
Mutual recognition, acknowledged
You have become ours, we have become Yours.
This verse is a declaration by Allah Ta’ala to those sinners who are wallowing in the quagmire, the sewers of degenerate sin. This is a blissful tiding for those who desire to free themselves therefrom, but are not plucking up enough courage to remove themselves from this bog. If they, with sincere humility, beg Allah Ta’ala for this quality, then, very quickly, will their ambition be achieved. This is so because, if Allah Ta’ala had not intended to grant this treasure, He would definitely not have mentioned it in His Book.
Take the case of a compassionate father who does not intend to give something to his children; he will not inform them of what he had in his possession. If, on the other hand, he desires to grant them some boon, he will make them aware of its presence in his possession. By so doing, he encourages his children to ask of him. Similarly, Allah Ta’ala offers His Bounties by announcing them in the Qur’an: I have an excellence, a quality reserved for those who are unable to extricate themselves from the swamp, the quagmire of sin. This quality is for those that live an unending existence of disobedience, who night and
day devote themselves to decadence. They are subconsciously aware,
“I am deliberately, purposely sunk in such impudence that even by a monumental effort I am unable to ease myself out of this situation.”
Such a person must turn to Allah Ta’ala with these words “O Allah Ta’ala! You have in the Qur’an announced one such quality of Yours whereby You draw or attract towards Yourself whomsoever You will. Please attract me towards Yourself.”
Manifestation Of Allah’s Attraction